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Yes VS NO on Flood Help!

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    Get rid of CAIS (whoops I mean agristability) which pays money to SOME farmers for no reason at all and there would be lots of money for disaster assitance.


      Relax kids, whether you should get a larger payout or not is moot as I believe you will, likely about a 50 dollar top up on the 50 you would get from crop ins. I don't like it much as I felt the recent drought payout to ranchers is a joke . ( My application is here and it will get filled out after we get the biggest hay crop- we may have ever had cut and baled)

      Here is why you'll get something it's because if the programs Cais, agriinvest etc. were allowed to or fixed so that they did work the politicians would not be able to make splashy announcements claiming 100's of millions to the poor helpless farmers and they couldn't pat themselves on the back and remind you on election day how they rode to your defense.
      But what they are really doing is just writing you an advance payment on the programs which should be held to light on years like this and the flaws exposed, but won't be as these ad hoc payments don't allow that to happen.
      But also what it is doing instead of saving the day is slowly turning the urban voters against you and I and programs such as Cais and agristabilty and agriinvest and even crop ins. etc which if operated properly and staffed correctly could quietly go about the jobs we would hope they were designed for.
      I am afraid that if we as farmers don't learn to stand on our own feet in the industry we chose and were not forced into, sooner than later the urban support we have had over the years for programs such as crop ins. will vanish and the little amounts we've received in years like this will pale next to the costs we may see associated with risk management in the future.
      If you are in a job or in a position in life where you cannot survive without outside assistance there is a bigger problem at hand than the one currently facing you. Doesn't matter if you run a 75 quarter mixed farm in South central Alberta or the quicky mart in springfield. If you haven't got the ability to absorb the risk presented to you in your chosen profession maybe it wasn't a very smart move to choose it.

      Again relax the cheques in the mail whether we deserve it or not is another matter.

      which reminds me I need to phone again to ask where my 2008 agriinvest statement is 2 years late and all..



        Tell it like it is, or don't tell it.

        You stated you want a simple program guaranteeing you a basic amount, regardless.

        My comment was, "Do you see any abuses that could come out of a system like that?"

        Insurance is not there for people to better their position. You should hope that you never have to collect on your premium. If you want your simple program that says we won't let you fail, be prepared to pay for it, and don't force my participation.

        If that is offensive, then Sf3 your correct that I don't get it.


          No. There is crop insurance and agristability. If Those don't make it for you, then it's time to pull the plug. The rules of the game were clear before we put a crop in. The only difference this year is the widespread nature of the problem. Is crop insurance good enough, probably not. It should be fixed. Is agristability good enough, probably not. Fix it. I don't see any way a fair payment could be made. Maybe land prices and rents should decrease reflecting more of the risk. We don't have crop insurance but we are in agristability. The real problem is overall profitability. If margins were better , we would better survive these type of disasters. As an example the % hog farmers receive of the supermarket $ has gone from 30% in 1980 to 15 % in 2010. This trend can't continue , there is no room for risk.


            I agree with Agstar77 and sewen.

            Get rid of the payouts when there is no disaster. Let crop insurance and personal risk management work.

            Like Agstar said we knew what the rules before we put crop in ground. That is when we should have been talking change. Just like the price of grain we know the price before we plant it, don't cry after it is in the bin and contract signed. If you are signing contracts with crop ins or grain markets (incl. CWB) you are saying yep I'll play by your rules and prices.


              By Resource News International

              WINNIPEG, MB, (RNI) - An additional C$450
              million will be available to Canadian prairie producers hurt
              by flooding and excessive moisture this year on top of crop
              insurance, the Canadian federal and provincial agricultural
              ministers announced in a teleconference Thursday.
              The funds will be available to farmers through the
              AgriRecovery program and is intended to assist producers who
              have experienced unseeded and lost acres due to excess
              moisture and flooding, said Gerry Ritz, Federal Agriculture
              Minister in the conference call.
              Canadian prairie producers will receive approximately
              C$30 per acre through the program. The available funds are
              expected to help farmers protect and revamp damaged cropland.
              The movement to initiate AgriRecovery was triggered by
              the large amount of rain experienced across the Canada
              prairies leaving a considerable amount of unseeded acres as
              well as drowned out cropland in some areas.
              The funds are to relieve producers specifically with
              flooded acres and unseeded acres, explained Bob Bjornerud, the
              Saskatchewan Agriculture Minister in the conference call.
              Canadian prairie producers will be provided more details
              about AgriRecovery for their specific province through their
              local crop insurance agency.


                missed it by 20 bucks but I stand by what I said, 450 million sounds like a lot to the city folk .


                  We better start bracing ourselves. The rest of us are going to need help for unharvested and frose low quality grain.


                    Dumb and Dumber. What else could we expect when Harper is out collecting votes. The landlords will be in a less forgiving mood . What is the difference between this and other years when a smaller area is hit. Short term photo op help with no real longterm strategy. How in the world are the bureaucrats going to determine who gets what? Why could they not just stick it into existing programs?


                      Well checking you don't have to participate. Under the current system your so okey with some that have had no crop loss last ten years and now have a loss should get more than what their expenses are and others don't cover their expenses. Are you really that much of an ass or an idiot?


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