Skhaduf, you still don't get it.
You're ranting about the producers with $200 margins, you need to realize that the amount is not actual cash in pocket.
Because of the cost sharing tier's, this translates to at best $120-130 in actual payments. The other issue is that those producers with margins that high or better will experience offsets because of the rising prices in grain the past couple months.
On the flipside, they will have a better chance at maintaining their reference margin going into 2011 and 2010 by marketting wisely throughout the next year.
They way you post language on this site I begin to wonder if the powers above are not dictating your future...
If you are this sour about life everyday, I feel for your wife and family. Get some help, move on.
You're ranting about the producers with $200 margins, you need to realize that the amount is not actual cash in pocket.
Because of the cost sharing tier's, this translates to at best $120-130 in actual payments. The other issue is that those producers with margins that high or better will experience offsets because of the rising prices in grain the past couple months.
On the flipside, they will have a better chance at maintaining their reference margin going into 2011 and 2010 by marketting wisely throughout the next year.
They way you post language on this site I begin to wonder if the powers above are not dictating your future...
If you are this sour about life everyday, I feel for your wife and family. Get some help, move on.