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    Sask99 from handling hundreds of bankruptcy's it seems Your Buddy's set guys up to a company then when shit hit fan they are gone and are listed as one of the creditors. I have no love of them but maybe they have gotten better years ago some of their advisers were lets say questionable. And when the shit hits the fan a Company is wound down in lets just say seconds vs years. I do agree with you that 200 margin is really probably 100 to 120. But best insurance was from an old dude in rosetown during the drought years two year grain carry over never had a problem.


      Wooooooo we"ve made so much progress with you now that you have taken the next step you're hanging christmas tree ornaments pretending to actually have balls, just becareful when you sit and you don't crush the glass. Thanks, nerdnuts99, You just made a threat in writing!!!! You probably are scary behind the wheel with one hand on the calculator and and the other on something personal, wait a minute what do you use there to pretend, a carrot, bugs bunny would be so insulted or maybe your favorite toy bunny is nibbling as you drive aw that's such a nerdlike story, and nothing in the head and nothing on the wheel, that's scary.
      Of course everyone on here and everyone else knows it's deducted funny that Cais doesn't.
      Of course I and everyone else here know about the famous tiers we've experienced them all along, my point is that some people haven't started a public political lynching because they are wondering how their so called margin is gonna work. This program is so screwed up you could have a number in front of you but it never ends up being what it is supposed to be.


        You can call me and everyone else on here names of the sort you like but most would agree you are a constant complainer, want everything for free and will never be happy with anything.

        I hope the government creates the majical program that pays you what you want.

        Our farm will continue making money regardless and I as I sit here loading yet another load of canola from 2009's crop, I know things will work out for our farm in the end.

        You on the other hand will never make money.

        Maybe you are the nerd with your stick in your hand...


          You guys,

          If you have personal insults... instead of something relevant... please send these personal insults by e-mail; just to each other. Insults add nothing to the facts and the hurt many are experiencing.


            I would suggest that some folks who post need to have what they have written, read aloud to their children, and their children's grandparents.



              You are 100% correct Tom and Pars

              My appologies


                "I have said before that this site is for people are mostly radical and have no morals. ........ I will admit that this site is very entertaining, but dam some of you people give the word FARMER a bad name. "
                That comment from an earlier post deserves a response. There is a true story about the relatively short lawyer who was walking out of a courtroom and was accosted by an irate woman who had been sitting in the gallery. She swore at the lawyer "You fnnnn little bastard"
                Visibly upset the lawyer discussed the incident with the judge; after he had settled down a bit. The lawyer explained to the judge that he wasn't so much hurt by the "fnnn bastard" comment; but "she didn't have to call me litte".
                Similarly the term radical isn't particularly offensive. I believe that the world sorely needs a limited number of these somewhat useful individuals as long as they are work within the laws and rules. Same goes for all the rest of the majority.
                But for the "moral" judgement. As a person professing their supposedly higher moral standards; how could you possibly find this site "very entertaining". Maybe "disgusting" or "diappointing" or "sickening"; but like the story of the prominant officials caught screwing in the firehall; would you find it "titillating" and a ripe source of wonderful gossip or would you act more like what I would expect from a more "morally endowed person" such as yourself.
                I've yet to see any indication of the posters having a greater or lesser moral standard than society as a whole. As for the unknown readers; I would suggest that they also gain enough confidence to post their ideas; so that we all might hopefully have an overall positive experience by learning from those ideas presented.
                I know for a fact that in some cases "it is out of respect for so and so; that I didn't submit the petition"; or it wouldn't be in my best interests to support that idea etc etc. And especially the truly blind individuals who have no arguments except that "I know you're wrong attitude" and won't give an answer along with accompanying evidence to support their position. Those are the individuals who continue to do a disservice to society. They aren't described as "very entertaining" in my books.


                  When you've been puking corn whiskey all morning and your head sounds like the tide is coming in and the air is so thick, it cannot possibly be the dog's fault, and you're trying your best,(on the way home from spending the night in the klink from flashing the woman cop who stopped you for speeding), to smile away a gag, when your wife asks, "Would you like waffles with whipped cream when we get home honey?",..... well, boys, it takes a really good man to say, "Sorry, honey."

                  We are all asses sometimes, and it's a good thing. I really hate perfect people. LOL Pars


                    skhadenuf obviously thinks he can't chew gum and drive a tractor at the same time unless he gets a government grant, but he is who he is, and at least the victim-segment of the farm population has a place to hawk their views, and you know what folks, that's the good thing about where we live; about Agri-ville. Don't forget to thank Joe. Pars


                      well parsley apparently you are the what? the self appointed queen of allowable insults, My choice of expletive wording was inappropriate, but that's a far cry from mentioning someone's family in one line and the next threatenning to drive over someone on the streets of Yorkton, If you don't see more of a problem with that you are exactly right you are who you are.
                      And when you insult myself you are insulting all those farm farmilies out there right now that have had multiple crop year losses who will recieve next to nothing in the cais program while those that had good crops and therefore good margins will recieve a windfall, again if you think that is a good scenerio that speaks volumes about who you are.


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