You must surely start with the assumption that you are dealing with public money; and this precious commodity needs to be protected as well as spent wisely on hundreds of other competing demands. Remember that farmers are relinquishing some of the control of their destiny; which is exactly as it should be when you are making yourself dependent on other parties. A lot of farmers will need to have an attitude adjustment and fine tune their negotiating and public relatios talents. There have to be bean counters or nerds (not hired by farmers or threatened or interfered by farmers) or it will be even worse chaos. Your simply can't let the receivers control the piggy bank or you would see anarchy and the base instincts of human nature immediately rise to the top.
First society has to decide if it will operate under survival of the fittest; everyone is equal; socialist; communist or some mixture of the above. We've taken the easy way of an unspecified all of above depending on the moment and how loud the squeals of hurt.
The only thing that will work is "set the rules and stick by them 100% of the time". Everything else is covered by individual acts of charity and social assistance to those who simply can not look after themselves; from whatever cause or misfortune..
Everybody seems to agree with setting rules and abiding by them; but get sidetracted as soon as unexpected disasters renew the call for handouts. Maybe that's another level of previously agreed to repayable emergency loans; or buying a public interest in wetlands etc. etc could have a place. Regardless; everyone has got to agree to and support farm playing field rules; clearly defined within the rules of the government payments. But then I remember its almost impossiible to get three farmers to agree on anything. Well we'll just have to work on that on won't we. Otherwise this is going nowhere.
So don't tell me we need changes. There will be no agreement on what those changes should be.
First society has to decide if it will operate under survival of the fittest; everyone is equal; socialist; communist or some mixture of the above. We've taken the easy way of an unspecified all of above depending on the moment and how loud the squeals of hurt.
The only thing that will work is "set the rules and stick by them 100% of the time". Everything else is covered by individual acts of charity and social assistance to those who simply can not look after themselves; from whatever cause or misfortune..
Everybody seems to agree with setting rules and abiding by them; but get sidetracted as soon as unexpected disasters renew the call for handouts. Maybe that's another level of previously agreed to repayable emergency loans; or buying a public interest in wetlands etc. etc could have a place. Regardless; everyone has got to agree to and support farm playing field rules; clearly defined within the rules of the government payments. But then I remember its almost impossiible to get three farmers to agree on anything. Well we'll just have to work on that on won't we. Otherwise this is going nowhere.
So don't tell me we need changes. There will be no agreement on what those changes should be.