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$500.00 a tonne and Ill clean out the bins.

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    $500.00 a tonne and Ill clean out the bins.

    Crusher phoned today looking for seed I told him get to $500.00 and its yours. Then Cargill phoned in afternoon. Their answer back was deliver now and then put in a target for $500.00.
    Hm help them then when their full price drops and my target is useless.
    Canola in Sask looks better now that its flowering. Hell even few fields at Wadena look good. Oh wait stop car and walk into them or fly over head. Hm in East its close to 30% flooded out sick areas in field. One Awesome field East of Balcarres. Down to Manitoba border yesterday. Same old flowering but not a really strong stand anywhere. Simply crushers will need product so have patience and you might be rewarded. Already most are up almost $2.00 If you have Lots of bushels in your Bin your ahead. Hm But then if you sold when all the companies were telling us Big crop on way you lost. Its a huge game have fun and run with it. Not one single farmer should be selling any Oats from last year since July. Their is none grown this year and around Jan or Feb wow will they be surprised, till then if your selling your just helping them.
    Barley if you seeded it Give it all you can because Germany has a wreck happening and maybe some life in Barley for malt.

    If the buyers call you........ and they are looking, then the price is headed up. If we need to sell, they could care less. Hang on Saskfarmer3, but I don't think I would wait for $500.


      I got a number and its getting close. But if this heat wave continues in Europe and The US heat dome comes next week into August. Wow, Also talked to a chap working in our area from Australia, He not sure their crop is that strong, Just a heads up.


        Just read the sask crop report. Sure lots in the good to excellant range. even for NE sask.


          Australian crop has been upgraded to one of the largest on record just upgraded by 70000 tonnes to 2.9 million tonnes. However USDA has ****seed consumption outpacing production by 1.6 million tonnes in 2010-11. EU production could fall below 20 million tonnes

          Top ****seed Producing Countries(2006)
          (million metric tons)
          China 12.2
          Canada 9.1
          India 6.0
          Germany 5.3
          France 4.1
          United Kingdom 1.9
          Poland 1.6
          Australia 0.5
          World Total 47.0

          Interesting snapshot of how production has climbed in the world over the years.

          Worldwide ****seed Production
          (million metric tons)
          1950s 3.5
          1965 5.2
          1975 8.8
          1985 19.2
          1995 34.2
          2006 47.0


            Well seeing how the industry charges $17610 per tonne for seed, then $500 seems cheap.


              is $500.00 so far fetched, can we get there if harvest is late enough?


                Saskfarmer I would be telling Cargill to come out with a better basis level then you can start to deliver. If you deliver without pricing that would be so stupid right now as Cargil is notorious for giving a better basis to draw deliveries instead of paying the already delivered. I think you know that. I am delivering cargils special oil canola now with a positive 35 basis. some heat damage and they are passing it so far. They don't normally do that either goes to show the crushers are short of product.


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