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Wtr. Wht. Grading... WHAT A RUDE Joke!

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    I wasn't talking about myself Silverback - I have never written an article on the CWB or any grain/related related issue. I didn't come from England either - maybe you are confusing me with someone else?
    Knock yourself out though - get writing some articles highlighting your opinions on grain matters and why you disagree with the NFU opinions. Democracy/debate could only be encouraged by the increased participation.



      So US millers have no problems buying Falcon... yet the CWB uses every possible excuse to wreck winter wheat marketing.

      US Ordinary Wtr Wht is 10.5px or below. That in Canadian measurement protocol is 10%px.

      Instead the CGC/CWB capped the 1&2 milling grades at 11%px...(demoting wht to a #3 if lower than 11px) NO MATTER which variety including select wheat.

      The CDN way... tell everyone you have substandard product... to make sure they will pay you less.

      Now... in a foreign market... the food Manufacturer gets to put on the label... 'Made from #3 Wheat... instead of #1'.

      Real Bright marketing idea.

      Question... why not make the protein cutoff 10% to match US quality... and call the grade 'Ordinary' #1 ???

      Too simple... much too much common sense... definitely not the CWB/CGC Canadian way!!

      But what do I know... I am just a stupid Canadian farmer who has never marketed any wheat or barley... ONLY the CGC/CWB are smart enough to figure out how to maximise the discount market for our wtr wheat!


        Left wing associations are quoted, and linked, and promoted by the media, because many of the decision makers in the media itself, are left wing. Pars


          The question in my mind is why go to a regulatory based system and instead offer market based solutions. Be like oats where there are basic specifications but sales are contract based with specifications/attribute characturistics handled via premiums and discounts. Protein should be handled this way. The only thing preventing this from happening is the CWB mentality which has to slot everything into a specific grade and protein so they can administer the pooling system. Creativity and innovation doesn't fit into this mind set.

          Only in Canada do we have the answer to bad regulations being adding more regulations - not fixing or eliminating the bad regulation.


            This message brought to you by the fox of the north. (lol)


              If its only a protein issue not some other it sure could be bought on a protein scale last time I checked all the cwrs was.



                "they have members who are both articulate enough and smart enough to write intelligent articles. Not the case with your run of the mill prairie ag producer in my experience."

                OK... who exactly did you just call a stupid 'run of the mill prairie ag producer' then?

                Are you above us? Where do you come from?



                  I was told the justification for this was to simplify the grading system... the real push was not to have any winter wheat accepted below 11%px... and put all the rest in the General Purpose class.

                  I am fine with that... if it comes along with an no-cost export license I can trade with the local elevator!

                  Without competition... there can be no arbitage or transparent price discovery.

                  That is the unspoken goal of the CWB; PREVENT argitrage and transparent price discovery.

                  That way we will all grow CWRS for the next 10 generations!


                    A Song for Elwin, Cam and Jim... who have just joined Chairman Oberg on the 'Jolly Rodger!

                    Listen and enjoy your comfy pensions!!!

                    'The Last Sask. Pirate'!



                      The proof is there for all to see - you despise the NFU because you are constantly reading their articles in the media. You claim there are virtually no NFU members so the media should be full of anti-NFU articles, "right wing" viewpoints, letters to the editor etc. It isn't so what is your explanation? Not as many CWB haters as you pretend? not as many NFU haters as you think? apathetic producers - couldn't care less? not very articulate producers on average? or your favorite excuse "biased media"?
                      Yeah that's right let's see if we can control what the media are allowed to print that would be a very free-market and democratic solution.

                      I was above you TOM - came from north of 55.



                        So is the Latitude and indication of IQ for you?

                        NDP/Union support for NFU... has nothing to do with the high profile they get?

                        hOW MANY UNION JOBS ARE IN sask... GRASSY... and how many commercial grain growers that are 'actual producers' of commercial volumes???

                        Who do you think has more $$$... and time to spend... and who do they get that time & $$$ from Grassy...


                          So exactly how many actual farming members?


                            they work hard and do their research

                            tell you when the railways are hoesing you on car maintenance.
                            put their money where their mouth is.
                            in dues.
                            are not propped up by agribusiness, donations thus can't be bought

                            just think what a voice we would have if we all signed up.


                              Just think how strong the church could be if there was only one denomination.

                              How many memebers?



                                You may mock my IQ but the immaturity of your posts doesn't exactly give readers a high impression of yours. Changing posters names to use them in a derogatory manner is something a Grade 3 kid might do - what are you in your 50's? - grow up man.
                                Another juvenile thought is that because the organization has "union" in it's title it will automatically receive funding from other entities called unions. Come on you can't be serious? - which unions do you think contribute funding to the National Farmers Union? please name them and let's have a laugh. The NFU is a member funded organization pure and simple.

                                WD9 - I have no idea of membership. I am simply a member not an official or employee of the organization.


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