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Cold Evening in Regina!

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    Cold Evening in Regina!

    Had to go back to city for Family do last night. Wow didn't take a jacket and man was it cold. Really cold. So for marketing one oh one! Here is question for the day.
    OK we all know Saskatchewan is flooded the ARK is just about done. Manitoba had fun. So here is million dollar question today.
    What if it Froze in Calgary to Edmonton the 9Th of August and what crop would they generate.
    I haven't been that way this year yet and just wondered if the crazy weather continues and we have a cool down around the full moon?
    So far it seems the Durum is ahead of Schedule but seeded in April.
    Canola is all over but close to last years by comparing pictures to dates.
    HRS is behind. Oats and Barley are Way ahead.

    No trouble up in the North. We should be done harvest by the 9th without a rain.


      Peace Country right. I wish you guys would get some of the rain we get every two days or less.
      Starting to get less amount last week but still pop up out of no where.



        We are into a LA NINA, perhaps it will turn hot and dry?


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