For many people it is easy to see why these applications fit into our personal lives but when we talk about business applications the water can get much muddier and some personal steering and experimenting can be required. As Michele Payn-Knoper mention in the above interview, it is really about conversation and not the mis-interpretted random un-replied blank bland statements about your need to find a washroom.
As Michele and I discussed its about rising the profile of the conversation about agriculture and how we produce the food for the world. It is our responsibility to engage and not be defensive or ignorant to the world around us. It is our responsibility to make sure that we use the tool available to us to ensure that agriculture's story is told.
On top of the external conversation, social media also allows farmers to share knowledge and improve the skills on their farm. I have had many conversations with people on weed identification, seed cleaning and seed varieties.
Don't get me wrong the power of a face to face conversation is still un-rivaled but the advantages of social media are a great addition to more traditional communication methods. Let me know how you use social media to talk about agriculture. Do you like twitter or facebook better for convos on ag?