Cash Price 5.70 5.70 6.05 6.31 December is the 6.31. Hm how is the CWB doing for you with FPC DP FU Price etc etc etc.
Why is wheat rising well Russia produced 62 plus million tons last year with this drought probably down to almost 42 million tons throw in Europe's problems and canada's and were getting to have a little situation going on. 20 mill ton drop is oh lets say all of Canadian production. Hm OK not quite but looks interesting. Speculators are jumping on this ship next high could be June 2009 high price. Keep watching, oh yea we live in western Canada where our grain is saved promised etc etc to our preferred customers for a discount. Aw if only we could feel the freedom.
Why is wheat rising well Russia produced 62 plus million tons last year with this drought probably down to almost 42 million tons throw in Europe's problems and canada's and were getting to have a little situation going on. 20 mill ton drop is oh lets say all of Canadian production. Hm OK not quite but looks interesting. Speculators are jumping on this ship next high could be June 2009 high price. Keep watching, oh yea we live in western Canada where our grain is saved promised etc etc to our preferred customers for a discount. Aw if only we could feel the freedom.