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Austr vs Canadian Grain prices

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    Austr vs Canadian Grain prices

    Current foward prices are
    APW wheat 10% protien $260 aust or 241 can
    Feed Barley 218 aust or 202 can

    Malt barley same as APW wheat.

    I have to subtract $23 aust dollars for frieght to get on farm price

    For feed Barley, priced at my bin, on Monday was CND$127.22/tonne. Roughly AUS$137.30


      todays moves up apw 262 and feed barley 230 all aust dollars but the barley is the big mover.

      feed barley has moved $50 higher in the space of 8 days


        Is the feed barley for domestic or export?


          Wow that is a heck of a move!

          Does the $23 adjustment get your grain to port? Just out of curiosity, what is included in that number?

          Around here I'm paying close to $70 to get grain dockside. That includes trucking and rail freight, terminal cleaning and elevation charges.


            yes $23 gets grain to port.
            Feed barley nobody really knows but rest assured its back to back sales ie a contract is signed for feed barley the buyer then makes his sale to a third party. But presume export.Massive amount of F1 barley was done friday.

            Personally im waiting,one the weather rally has more time in it yet reag the 16 day forecast for ukraine, early frost may or may not happen in canada,and finally my own production whilst the year has been good weve got our frost season coming up to. But have got $295 as target for wheat and $245 for feed barley. The spread between buyer on barley in particular is $16 between top and bottom. And alot of jostling one company updated prices higher three times on friday. Might be competition.


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