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CWB initials

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    fijip, i am in scotland.
    i grow about 2000 tons of grain, mostly wheat, barley ,oats,canola.
    some organically.
    i have travelled saskatchewan,alberta,bc



      I see the market at well over $300/t in the PNW for many of the forward months to Jan11.

      For you to say we should be happy with $5.50... when we should be over $1/bu higher...

      Where are the $7/bu CWB wheat contracts for 2011 that should be avaliable? US advisors are on to this opportunity... where is the CWB?


        Do you guys want me to continue posting prices on here or is only going to inflamme your anger.

        But on the face of it and if you will excuse the french your prices are effing shithouse atm.

        Will also try and get a handle on outcome of our pooled wheat prices from last harvest and yes i pooled alittle premium hard 13% plus wheat maybe 120 tonne will try to track it for you if you interested.


          Did anyone else lock in fpc on friday?
          Again not a word from the pro borg camp when hard facts come out - pathetic.
          This has to be the last straw guys, I mean come on the last pro's are nothing short of treason.


            Yup, it's simply amazing. Western wheat farms leave 10's of thousand dollars or more from their farm under the table simply because the lowest price is the law. That in it's self is not that surprising or amazing. Its understandable that the present cwb board of directors would allow this crime to continue. They know better but,just can't help themselves What is amazing as Agriweek so accurately points out is that Harper, Ritz and their band of merry-men allow this crime to continue to be perpetrated, all while the voices that should be the loudest are silent.......


              There are very few votes left in rural Comedia, therefore politicos are no longer interested in farmers. Hence could care less about farm issues. Besides farming is never ending problems. There is or is a looming disaster somewhere in farming all the time! Hence the whinning and snivelling and handouts required to constantly help farmers.............


                Initial prices are set low so that they can give us adjustment payments every few months, and the media can hype it up that the farmers are getting Millions of $$$$ every time there is an increase..It also sounds like it is another gov. hand out all the time too...



                  "Farmers do not even have the right to hold their grain on their own farms into the next year without the Board’s permission and without payment of harsh penalties."

                  Where did Morris get this idea?

                  Is Morris thinking about transfering contracted wheat from; EG 2009-10 to the 2010-11 crop year, that has already been delivered to an elevator, and is on storage tickets?


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