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Nipawin farmer Terry Youzwa to run in CWB director election

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    Nipawin farmer Terry Youzwa to run in CWB director election


    Nipawin farmer Terry Youzwa to run in CWB director

    Nipawin, Sask. (July 29, 2010)—Terry Youzwa, a
    local grain, oilseeds and pulse grower, today
    announced he will run as a candidate for District 7
    director in this fall’s Canadian Wheat Board election.

    “I’m running because I believe the CWB needs to
    change today to be successful tomorrow. I believe
    CWB leadership that is focused on improving farmer
    returns will ultimately strengthen the organization
    in the future.”

    Youzwa, who lives and works in District 7 on 2,400
    acres near Nipawin, adds: “The Wheat Board needs
    to earn famers’ business every day.”

    Running for the first time, Youzwa says his
    platform will be based on making the Canadian
    Wheat Board more flexible and business focused to
    better serve the needs of farmers.
    Youzwa believes the Wheat Board must change to
    be successful in the future. The CWB 2010 farmer
    survey showed that wheat and barley producers are
    concerned about a lack of markets for their grain.
    The survey also showed just half (48%) of wheat
    growers and one-third (34%) of barley growers
    would prefer only the CWB to market their crops.

    “I hear farmers in District 7 saying they need
    flexibility to manage their deliveries and pricing so
    they can manage their businesses better,” says
    Youzwa. “As District 7’s director, I will support
    change that provides more flexibility. The CWB
    must also be accountable to farmers by
    demonstrating a business first focus.” “The role of
    the CWB is to work for you improving returns,
    creating new markets and providing delivery and
    pricing options that work for your individual farms.”

    “These concerns need to be addressed if we want a
    robust industry going forward…farmers need real
    solutions and the communities they support need
    real solutions, adds Youzwa.
    Youzwa is a third-generation farmer with a wealth
    of agricultural education and experience. He holds a
    degree in agricultural engineering from the
    University of Saskatchewan and completed the
    Degroote School of Business’ Directors College in
    2006. As well, Youzwa was a director with Agricore
    United (formally UGG) from 1990 to 2007 and is a
    director of the Canola Council of Canada and Sask

    For more information, contact:
    Terry Youzwa at 306-862-7669 or

    The time for farmers
    Terry Youzwa—your #1 choice for
    Canadian Wheat Board director in District 7

    One MUST assume he supports the monopoly... if he didn't state otherwise.


      Sounds like another guy who can't make it from farming, so will make it in farming.


        Pro-monopoly types feel obligated to
        preach the gospel of the CWB. I would
        think that the fact that he does not sing
        from the hymnal would separate him from
        the brotherhood.


          We are rather quick to rush to judgement
          are we not Mr. checking? To the contrary,
          Mr. Youzwa continues to be a successful


            Not sure if he wants my endorsement or not, but could he be worse than Korneychuk?

            Rhetorical question, No sitting CWB director is worse than Korne!

            If the number of Directors wasn't so close the NFU would frag him themselves.

            Any candidate that hopes to run the CWB like a business would get my vote.


              "Mr. Youzwa continues to be a successful

              Does this qualify a CWB director to protect, sustain; and add value to our family farms?

              What is a 'successful

              Anyone who... farms today... is a 'successful

              Until pool politics... livestock/supply management economics... and prosperity/wealth intervention:
              By government legislative intervention splitting up wealth... to create new wealth...are set aside...

              We will get nowhere in fixing the CWB.

              Individual responsibility for decisions taken... will remain the cornerstone of prosperity and wealth creation... especially in western Canadian Agriculture!

              Working together... can make us stronger... IF respect, trust, and honest work ethics (no free lunch bunch)co-operate.

              Sadly the CWB single desk 'monopoly' is built on fear, deceit, and wealth splitting that destroys prosperity.

              Mr. Youzwa, what is your stand on wealth creation and prosperity???



                The message from Mr. Terry Youzwa is need.

                "the cwb needs to change ..., the Wheat Board needs to earn the farmers' business..., to better serve the needs of farmers..., I hear farmers saying in District 7 that they need flexibility..., these concerns need to be addressed..., farmers need real solutions..., the communities they support need real solutions...

                The truth is that there are only three needs, food, shelter, and clothing. Beyond that everything else is a want. So why doesn't Mr. Youzwa tell me what he honestly wants out of this for himself?

                Does he want the position to build his resume, to wield some power, to solve his issues, for the supplement to support his farm operation, what? Cut the BS, and be honest. His grave marker doesn't want to read, he should have worked more, so what is he getting from this?


                  Of course Terry will get something out of this. As he should. He has spent a lifetime in grain farming and farm policy/politics. He might just be the best person for the job.

                  He might have his eye something else in the future, probably does.

                  Why run down a guy because he wants to use skills acquired? If said skills allow him to sit in a board room, rather than feed cows or drive a truck.
                  The man should be congratulated for running rather than asked "What's in it for you?"



                    I see real structural problems the CWB must deal with on the Cash/Pool price interaction as it is now set up. Cash prices need to create the pool... not pool prices regulate cash offers to growers. The CWB has marketing our grain backwards.

                    The Mills and Maltsters love the CWB... because of this backwards system.

                    If mill 'A' needs a unit train of wheat... in the US they must bid the wheat in out of bins; to fill the train. With the CWB... no transparent market is allowed to bid our grain out of our grain bins.

                    We need to learn marketing 101... if someone knocks at the door asking for our grain... they need this grain... premiums can be negotiated.

                    Does Terry understand this?


                      Tom. Ask him and post what he replies.


                        Each and every one of the 15 current CWB directors clearly understand that no transparent market is allowed to bid our grain out of our grain bins.

                        As does Minister Ritz.

                        Each one of them applies the skills they have learned from some university course, to better their own pocketbook, the government's pocketbooks and industry's pocketbook, NOT farmers' pocketbooks. There is no DECENCY 100 course available.

                        That is why they scuttle.

                        One by one, the CWB diehards, who have pledged unconditional love and loyalty to the CWB, wake up one morning and take off their blinders, and they finally "see" that the CWB generously provides for everyone but them.

                        Rank yourself. Where do yo rank in the CWB's priorities? Not the rank in CWBtalk, but in CWBaction. Not what they TELL you, but what they do. If you are important, farmers will come first.

                        And you know when you get your final payment, that you rank last.

                        And you know by the look in 15 pair of eyes when you rank last.

                        And you know in the pit of your stomach when you rank last, don't you. Parsley


                          I think I'm catching on.

                          Must be "no good" just for running, like all others whether they were elected or lost.

                          Should we lynch him just incase. LOL

                          Best of luck Terry no matter what you stand for.


                            Dear Mr. checking: I suggest it is you
                            that is dispensing the BS. You sound like
                            a real dog in the manger type. All
                            politicians are evil. Right, I get it.
                            Attack them before they can even get their
                            message out. My pappy told me to never
                            dispute with the ignorant because they
                            bring you down to their level and then
                            beat you with experience.



                              I was simply pointing out to "checking"
                              that Terry does not need the position to
                              support his farm. I shouldn't have
                              bothered as Terry can defend himself. As
                              an anti-monopoly veteran I am dismayed
                              by the response on this board to Terry's
                              candidacy. Good God he is from the
                              Canola Growers, Flax Growers
                              tradition.Where the hades do you think
                              he stands!!! Enjoy Korneychuck


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