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Nipawin farmer Terry Youzwa to run in CWB director election

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    That damn pathway from the kitchen to the dining room that only one district 7 candidate will walk! Do we deserve to know his motives, or does the good politician understand that stating such a thing could cost him a vote?

    My thought is that the CWB is a dog that won't hunt, but the bitch is always under foot tripping what should be one of its masters up.

    If Terry wants a nap time rug position by the fireplace with a bag of treats, fine. And I'll leave sleeping dogs lie.


      You use the word "ignorant". I prefer the word candid.

      And checking is exercising savy, candid candidate scrutiny, and rightly so, because so far, western farmers have observed a gaggle of righteous choice candidates, farting promises either proclaiming their marketing freedom vision or broadly hinting at their alliance with choicers, nudge, nudge. But, one by one, and even as a united group, they lack the skills, the boldness, a belief, to convince a Conservative Minister, who's election promise was marketing freedom, to issue export licenses to us.

      If so-called "ignorant" farmers have learned anything at all, we have yearly observed 'proven in your face failure.' Either the choice directors are incompetent, individually or as a group.or else the Minister adopted a different vision than he first stated, in which case he is a liar, and the appointed Directors in particular, have aligned themselves with his bipolar vision in order to keep their positions intact.

      Appointments are, after all, cash in the purse. And they often feel important.

      With the Conservative poll numbers in decline, a group of choice directors pressuring a Minister to bring in export licenses, WILL get results IF the Minister knows the choice directors mean business and will risk giving up their jobs to actually bring about the change. "Issue export licenses to Western farmers or we will resign en masse and follow up with a media event "

      "Gerry puked in fear", the Toronto Star will read.LOL

      Now, that's a real poker game. (I'm speaking from experience, btw.)

      After observing the choice directors' past and present actions, their scuttling, their incontinent excuses (My favourite one is 'We're bringing changes behind the scenes, dearie, you just don't see them') I cannot imagine one choice director willing to risk all, to play against the Minister, ... to win. Can you?

      That's where Kyle comes in. You see, Mr. Korneychuk is real, and I remind you that I disagree boldly and vehemently with his politics, but I have the greatest respect for his dedication to what he believes in; he isn't afraid to stand up and be counted regarding his political position. You see, he actually believes in it. The philosophy of socialism is more important to him than the pay.

      That's where Jim Chatenay comes in. He believes in the free market more than his paycheque.

      And that is where checking and I come in. We know the difference between pigs at the trough and deceny. And I support checking for asking questions about Terry and evaluating candidates to decide if we are simply working to get another pig at the trough elected.

      Let's vote for a guy who says what he means and has a plan to back it up.

      Come to think of it, I am being wide-eyed ignorant. And pleased with myself. Parsley


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