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77 cent per bushel difference

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    77 cent per bushel difference

    The extreme wheat board gouging has begun.

    <b>Exhibit A:</b> The off the combine in the farmer pocket price at <b>Rugby North Dakota</b> for spring wheat at today's close, converted to Canadian dollars...

    <b>$7.03/ bushel</b>


    <b>Exhibit B:</b> The <b>wheat boards Fixed Price Contract</b> as of today's close with standard Manitoba deductions taken off...

    <b>$6.26/ bushel</b>


    Yup, they're working real hard for the farmer down at 423 main-street these days.

    And domestic mills will stock cheap Western milling wheat up to their rafters. And buy for later delivery.

    And the government will tout grocery inflation is under control.

    And that is why the Kyle Korneychuk government-fix is dead wrong for farmers. Pars


      Fran, do you know which CWB personelle the flour mills negotiate with on pricing?


        Can't say that I do.


          How about a 47 cent increase in futures and the FPC goes up 17 cents. Their explanation is that the basis went down. Checked in billings montana and their cash price went up 43 to 51 cents from yesterday. So their basis went up.


            How about durum. no change. The USDA posted durum up 35-60 cents today to $5.00 US. the fixed price is up 4 cents to $4.94. Wait you still have to take off $1.50 a bus for deductions.


              lets not forget that these prices are cash prices for delivery off the combine. Not 25% call before christmas and maybe 50% by march and so on. No shrinkage,storage risk( lots of rustys around already), no interest, cash flow problems, bin costs, -40 degree loading in snow drifts etc.

              I phoned the CWB today and talked to a PPO manager. Had all the figures to back up my arguments and their was silence on the other end. THey had nothing. Do you guys realize that the calculation to figure the basis in the FPC, besides the adj factor for pool sales, figures in what the future sales will be in the pool accounts. Can you believe this. Prices are up 50% in less then a month and they are trying to guess what they will sell wheat for in the next 12 months and work out a basis? I get mad just typing this. I ask the guy if he thought that was reasonable. Again silence.


                I like the Exhibit A and Exhibit B Pars. Maybe that way a CWB supporter can get the point. The CWB cost us farmers huge dollars. Simple math we grow 100000 bushels of #1 14.5 protein HRS That's a $77,000.00 less in my pocket than my relative in ND. Oh yea in Canada we support every one else and farmer is last. In USA its farmer first then trickle down to rest. So in simple terms My contribution is for one senior bureaucrat in Winterpeg. I say fire the sorry ass.


                  Now ,now you guys....don`t start with LOGIC...............


                    <b>Exhibit C:</b> Ontario Wheat Boards cash bid for spring wheat...

                    <b>$6.70/ bushel</b>


                    That's 44 cents above the western "monopoly".

                    We're surrounded by higher prices folks. Wake up and smell the losses to our farms.


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