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Prairiesodbuster... you missed the point... Freedom IS NOT about $!

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    Willagro - You say "There once was a free-wheeling system in place in western Canada. The grain companies that preyed upon the primary producer (the farmer) were famous for being some of the crookedest snakes to ever inhabit this country." I say...over the past 70 years we now have Super B's and not wagons, we have the internet and can see weather, carryover's, etc from all around the world instantly and not radios, we have tens of thousands of bushels of storage versus hundreds of bushels, we grow more than wheat/barley so we have choice on what to sell (whoops..not board grains). Wake up!!!! Times have changed!!!!


      Dito Choice Wilagro keeps referring back to a time when everyone just hauled only to the local elevator by wagon. Didn't know that the world price was in he gutter and blame it on the grain companies. Why are the pro board farmers so stuck on that even when now we all have computers and can see that price is determined by supply and demand. The grain companies stealing our grain is an untruth.


        Prairiesodbuster; If you want the all of the "loud mouth whack-jobs" to just shut-up already, you should advocate for a voluntary board. That way the Pro-boarders get to keep their beloved bureaucracy, and us anti-boarders can stop wasting space in the Western Producer's comments column. Your problem is solved.

        The only downside is that Agri-ville's message board will probably die from lack of postings;-)


          AV message board may die but the poor me will carry on. It will be the boards fault in some's eyes, that higher market prices can't be reached, as long as they are around.


            I agree Meobis on your comment "the poor me"...CWB supporters under a voluntary system would no longer have control over every farmer in the designated area and maybe worse...if no CWB, they'd actually have to stand on their own two feet and take a marketing 101 class.


              It Might be worse with no CWB, like you say I won't go that far to say that.

              But I think that as long as there is a CWB they will be blamed for the price of grain. Hense dual market will not satisfy or work. Not saying right or wrong JMHO.


                She's really pretty simple folks. The wheat board's only imperative is to make the crop go away. Any returns to the growers are a bonus. The team in charge have no investment in the grain business, nothing to gain from excellence, nothing to lose from negligence. Its a structural thing. Me thinks that the wolves find a couple dozen CWB sheep easier fleecing than a couple thousand growers would be. Are they in on the fix? HT



                  AWB #1 DURUM Pt Adel, Aug 6/10 $339/t up $29/t

                  AWB Malt Bly, Pt Adel, Aug 6/10 $298/t up $28/t

                  Looks like 'dual marketing' works in AU!


                    Well in western CANADA

                    If you are a board supporter you would say "It would be higher but, the non boarders are dumping at cheaper prices keeping the price down".

                    If you are a duel market supporter you would say " It would be higher but, the CWB are dumping at cheaper prices keeping the price down".

                    By the way, thanks for the AWB price info. Could you post the same day prices offered by the independents so we could compare?


                      AWB #1 DURUM Pt Adel, Aug 8/10 $303/t down $36/t; new crop, only bid reported

                      New Crop Malt Bly, Pt Adel, Aug 8/10 AWB $278/t
                      Vit $285/t
                      CBH $295/t
                      ETG $275/t
                      Best down $3/t

                      Reported be Callum Downs


                        That was Aug 9.


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