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Prairiesodbuster... you missed the point... Freedom IS NOT about $!

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    Prairiesodbuster... you missed the point... Freedom IS NOT about $!

    The non supporters are the large corporate farmer (they call themselves a family farm because it's their family who own the shares) because they figure that they will make more money if there is a free wheeling system.

    Freedom is about prosperity and the ABILITY to create wealth.

    THERE are large corporate family farms that are as PRO-CWB as is possible.

    AGAIN... this is about the freedom to think for ourselves... and work hard to create prosperity in our own communities... not about personal wealth at all... for many who reject CWB corporate logic that the CWB 'single desk' will save grain farmers in the 'designated area'!!

    The CWB is so short sighted... they can NOT see out the windows at 423 MAIN... as the world spins by them!

    YOU can NOT stop CHANGe.


      There once was a free-wheeling system in place in western Canada.

      The grain companies that preyed upon the primary producer (the farmer) were famous for being some of the crookedest snakes to ever inhabit this country.

      The farmers formed their own co-ops to get around those crooked snakes but they still prevailed. When the co-ops ran into trouble the government had to step in to save the day. Unfortunately government bureaucracy came with that take-over. That also prevailed and still dogs the CWB today.

      If the CWB was streamlined and run like a business it still could benefit producers. Cut the bureaucratic BS and the producers would have a marketing tool that worked for THEM.



        YOU are WRONG.

        The CWB was formed in 1935 to bail out the prairie pools.

        The CWB got the monopoly in 1943 to save Europe from WW2.

        Henry Monk then tied growers up after WW2 in International Wheat Agreements selling us out.

        Goodale sold us out in 1996 when the courts ruled the CWB monopoly was not legal... with an Order in Council from Cabinet.


          "the crookedest snakes to ever inhabit this country"... are CWB 'single desk' supporters bred on fear and deceit... greed and cowardice.


            I am a small timer, non-incorperated, and yet I detest the western wheat board. I am young though. I think it is more age related than size related. Why oh why is size always everything!


              Actually I am going to bite on the comment the CWB should be run like a business. What aspects of what the CWB operations side does today are not done in a business like manner? Are their differences in the CWB business interests and that of its farmer clients/partners? Could ask what the structure, governance and equity requirements of a new type CWB would likely be but is the middle of summer when hopefully at least some you are enjoying the lake so a conversation that saved for another day or better questions for the CWB director candidates this fall.

              Also watching the current rally carefully and pocketing at least some of the pricing opportunities it presents. On this point, I highlight the markets have taken back most of the opportunity presented yesterday.


                Make every Canadian subject to the CWB.
                Otherwise, it is discriminatory. It obviously
                depresses barley prices for those subjected to it.
                There is no transparency to it's operations. I asked
                our local director how many
                contracts the CWB might trade on MGEX in any
                given year, just an approximation, not hard
                numbers. He said he didn't know, but he could say
                that the CWB is a major player on the MGEX. It is
                understandable that they use MGEX. but, we should
                be able to inspect the trades, as it is our grain they
                play with. Every time the MGEX prices are contrary, I
                wonder just who is big enough to distort those


                  Family farm not a corporation three partners and how is that evil. Hm this sodbuster is probably Flaman Returning with a new name.


                    I agree the right to choose if we want to hire a marketer or not is a human rights issue. Elections mean nothing as in Canada minorities have rights. The CWB is like a religion to many farmers and why should I be forced to be in their CHURCH..


                      "He said he didn't know, but he could say that the CWB is a major player on the MGEX."

                      Your sentence represents failed directors. They should have passed a Board motion years ago to order the staff to supply this kind of information on the webpage farmers pay for, including the cost and mandate of the Board's weasel who sits on the MGEX and represents the CWB.

                      This lack of transparency reflects the lack of ability of the Directors to provide both leadership and accountability. Pars


                        The government has been expanding and cotrolling more and more everyday,dont expect anything to change.

                        and if anyone thinks that is a good idea-you are the wack job


                          I didn't miss the point, just reading over the post just highlights the point I was making...it's the whack jobs on both sides of the fence who bitch ad nauseum...cuz it makes them feel good. The sentiments are hollow though and it's always the loud mouths who in the end screw themselves and everyone else. You want something better then stop belly aching and go do it, use some of that pioneer spirit we are suppose to be famous for.

                          Oh when I first saw this forum I though oh great a forum where we could share ideas on how to better market our grain (like talking about better varieties, new market opportunities...you know marketing)...but no the whack jobs seize control and it's just another place to bitch and moan.

                          That's my last word, I look elsewhere for knowledge and one day I will eat your lunch while you are still trying to have things your own way. In chaos there is opportunity!



                            Nice JOB... Attack... condem...

                            THis forum is about freedom of expression..."Freedom IS NOT about $!".

                            But you are going to "eat us for lunch"?

                            Hope you enjoyed swooping in and giving your ego a fun blast!

                            Bless you...!


                              I certainly wish that I was as able to express myself as colorfully as the rest of you. Well said Tom!!!!!!!!!


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