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One Earth Farms

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    One Earth Farms

    Is it still alive or dead?

    Met an indian who was invovled,said they are
    expanding and he seemed quite excited about it all.


      Was at the parts counter somewhere yesterday and overheard the parts guy say "one earth farms?" to the client.


        What...you think Sprott has run out of money after two years?

        I think this is a mineral/oil play as well as an ag play for Sprott. He has the ability to wait - and will.


          they have brand new 8120's sitting in Lethbridge. Have wheatland hoppers sitting in the yard of a local Viterra. Dont think their crops on the reserve SW of Lethbridge are very good.


            sprott's whole deal is based on his beliief that commodity inflation is imminent. if he's wrong on that this will be a huge loser because without inflation the ag. side is totally unsustainable and he's a small player on the mineral/petroleum side.


              You guys should have seen this indian i was talking
              to,biggest bs'er ever,started blabbing about how
              this was just the first step,next came cattle and
              proccessing and then wait for it...."value-add"-
              christ i hate that word,it use to mean something,but
              now its the first thing out of the mouths of people
              who cant walk and chew gum at the same time.

              I asked him a bunch of questions.

              What do you know about pottassium?
              What do you know about canadas number one
              valueable mineral?
              Did you know sprott knows something about
              What royalty percentage was signed over to sprott
              for What was underground?

              I found the slience coming from someone who
              would never shut up very funny.


                sprott will make a lot of money but the investors maybe not so much.


                  You are the only person in the knowen universe who
                  considers sprott a small anything.


                    Jensend,you should think before you speak.

                    Pull up a list of canadas best performing mutual funds.

                    Out of the hundreds and hundreds out there,you wont
                    have to go down the list to far.


                      The mining thing make sense, but that "farm" will loose money every year it will be in exsistance, jmo.


                        i guess i will have to wait and see. but then you will too.


                          I doubt it, time will tell. On a net/ac most well managed family farms will be double that gong show. But then again Spott will be paid well regardless of numbers.


                            I will give you that sprott himself will make the most
                            out of this particular deal.

                            I dont know how its structured but it looks like a select
                            few will get the lions share.


                              I guess i should think before i speak,lol.

                              It looks like one earth is owned by sprott rescource
                              corp symbol scp on the toronto stock exchange.

                              Which means if you want to own a piece of one earth
                              you can.

                              I think i wil.


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