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PrairieSodBuster (PSB)... where is the CWB money?

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    PrairieSodBuster (PSB)... where is the CWB money?

    PSB... the CWB CLAIMS to be our 'premium' marketing system... the 'designated area' wheat growers honest window on the grain world.

    PSB... you complain we spend all our time attacking the CWB. YOUR Concern is valid;
    But if the claims the CWB make to be procuring 'designated area' growers a premium... prove false...

    PSB... then you are the one who is wrong.

    1. Volume/Capacity to sell grain. Here is this weeks US Wheat Associates Report for the past week:

    "Weekly export sales reached their highest point since October 2007, climbing to 1.3 MMT for the week ending August 5. Increases were reported for unknown destinations (353,000 HRW, 10,000 HRS, 20,000 SRW, 31,000 white), Egypt (190,000 HRW), Japan (55,388 HRW, 88,838 HRS, 22,418 white), Yemen (25,000 HRW, 67,000 white), Nigeria (66,000 HRW, 13,580 SRW, 5,713 durum), the Philippines (41,400 HRS, 10,755 white), and Italy (30,500 HRS, 20,000 durum).


    Sales Prices achieved:

    PSB... there is about a 20% CWB discount... who gets the money?

    US PNW Port Price Aug 13/10 US Wheat Price $ /mt Report (US exchange 1.046 to CDN, px .5 subtracted to determine CDNpx) :

    2DNS 12.5px Aug $312 Jan $322 Av $317/t;
    CWB 10/11 1CWRS 12.5 $266.97

    2DNS 13.5px Aug $330 Jan $340 Av $335/t;
    CWB 10/11 1CWRS 13.5 $277.13

    2HRW Ord(>10%px) Aug $290 Jan $303 Av $296/t;
    CWB 10/11 1CWRW >11px $237.50

    2HRW 10.5px Aug $293 Jan $306 Av $299/t;
    CWB 10/11 1CWRW >11px $237.50

    2HRW 12.5px Aug $320 Jan $334 Av $327/t;
    CWB 10/11 1CWRW 12.5px $253.50

    2SW 9/10px Aug $292 Jan $292 Av $292/t
    CWB 10/11 1CWSWS $223.68

    In US a 1CPS Red = 2DNS with px adj.

    Grade by grade... wheat class by class... the CWB PPO prices offered my family... my community... and
    Every 'designated area' wheat grower... is enough many years to pay off all our debts... each year.

    At least $50/t (after FOB charge) is missing... are the CWB sending our money to you PSB?

    Or is this straight CWB incompetence... padding the bottom lines of multi-nationals you so despise?

    ewwwwwww I am an acronym now....as previously said blah, blah, blah, blah. I stopped caring what you said a week ago and now I'm just here to be amused. Thank you for my morning chuckle!!!

    However I will say for those who want to freely market your grain to the US. Have you ever considered that the US grain farmers may get pissed off one day and their more co-ordinated farm lobby will shut down the border to Canadian Grain. CALF-R did a pretty good job for awhile on beef.

    Anyway, you just spend your time "bitchin" I'm going back to making money. As I said if you can't manage your "lifestyle" choice better maybe you should try another occupation.


      PSB, like I said, I have done what you suggest... I did not seed any Board grains this year, and we have a direct link (and used it) to the Federal Minister of Ag albeit just a minor connection. And even though I will have to seed some Board grains next year I still would prefer an open market similar to how I market my Canola, Peas, Lentils and Mustard.

      Now you say to us, get another job. Well I did that too, I am a Professional Engineer and farming is just part time although someday I will do it full time. And just for the record my farm is Incorporated and no part of my farm came from my family, in fact the last farmer in the family was my Uncle who passed away 15 yrs before I started. So at least for my sake can you try and be a little more constructive on this site? The guys you ridicule here sound pretty smart, and they will take the farming industry into the next generation. And please listen to reason, we need your constructive criticism, not your sarcasm (unless it is light humor). You are likely educated, late 40s (at least younger than me), come from a family farm, and you still have to listen to your dad, you might even be a government worker, this would mean you are going to be around for a while so... So let's get to a better place with marketing board grains... I want to market my own with a little help from my friends and professional marketers I pay for.



        Flax, Canola, Peas, all have no problem going south... your excuses are even thinner than your logic.

        Thanks for answering the questions... NOT.

        CWB pricing of PPO contracts is distorted... priced off initial prices set by Parliament. With your logic PSB you need to share in your CWB profits with us...

        Where do we apply?

        ... Where is the transparent and commercial system that the CWB claims exist in recent press releases?

        When/where did you obtain the moral authority to tell my farm what or what not to plant?


          Making money and CWB is an oxymoron, those two words just don't go together. Maybe he meant selling canola on the open market.


            PSB you said

            However I will say for those who want to freely market your grain to the US. Have you ever considered that the US grain farmers may get pissed off one day and their more co-ordinated farm lobby will shut down the border to Canadian Grain. CALF-R did a pretty good job for awhile on beef.

            PSB You will never get it will you.
            Its about getting the same export prices as the USA, not about shipping to the USA. When we talk about the better price south of the border it is not to ship our grain their it is about getting our fair price for our grain here. I do not believe the light bulb will ever come on for anyone who constantly states that some USA organization will shut our borders. Tom these guys are like talking to a brick wall.


              It takes a brick wall to know a brick wall and why should I be any different than you guys. I basically said when I spoke the first time that the nuts on both sides of the fence both the pro board guys and the anti board guys do nothing but bitch and complain and little else and I'm just sick of hearing both sides bitch.

              I'm sure some common ground could be found but you guys are so fixed on your position that you'll never listen to the other guy and if there was really was co-operation between farmers maybe we'd still own our own grain handling companies. If you don't like the board then change it, either by running for the board or running for federal political office, or at very least get your "crew" together and go lobby, put your rhetoric where your mouth is and do something instead of shaking your fist aimlessly towards Winnipeg or Ottawa and uselessly venting on forums.

              Oh and just because you have a degree doesn't mean you're smart. I also work in the oil patch and engineers can be some of the dumbest people to work with. When you guys stop acting like morons I'll actually stop annoying you and start listening. Until that day, until you actually do something to earn my respect you can shoot at me all you want. I will say again that none of you both pro board and anti board have presented any solutions that make sense.

              Oh and Tom the reason US Prices are higher is because there are price supports built in. I worked in commodity trading in Poland for a couple of years and the US dumped grain at less than world prices. I will say again that the prices farmer receive in the US generally have no true bearing on what world prices are as the US Department of Agriculture and the European Community determine world prices by how much they subsidize sales and how much they price support their farmers. I've seen it and I've dealt with it at the operational level and when the US wants you to buy grain it will be as much as $40 a tonne cheaper than CWB grain of similar grade, not to mention other sweetners that go along with it. If you want the CWB to compete with that then be prepared for your taxes to go up and even then against the two largest economies in the world we wouldn't have a chance.

              But you know what you know and I know what I know and I'm sure that won't change...but you turkeys read this I will say again I neither fully support the CWB in its current guise nor do I support the "free marketers" because no one has completely proved their case and mostly it's a lot of people who want to protect their own interests and that is fine, but don't say you have my interest at heart because you'd eat my lunch if you could and I'd eat yours if I could.
              Farming is a business and you should treat it like a business and not a lifestyle choice or hide behind the "family farm" moniker. Be a company, be a business and if you can't make money then you should fail like any other business. Every business has challenges some are market conditions and some are regulated. If you can't figure out how to make money in adverse times then you probably should rent me your farm and go find a job. If I can make money (I'm not saying I get rich, but I turn a profit and make a reasonable return) at it you wise gentlemen should be able to as well. PSB signing off!


                Oh and just because you have a degree doesn't mean you're smart. I also work in the oil patch and engineers can be some of the dumbest people to work with.

                What do we expect, the guy has CWB certification.


                  PSB you said

                  "When you guys stop acting like morons I'll actually stop annoying you and start listening. Until that day, until you actually do something to earn my respect you can shoot at me all you want."

                  You have to remember that works both ways. Real easy to use your own words against you, moron. No respect shown here, you will have to earn mine also except I could care less.


                    grasshopper and pig pen...once again blah blah blah blah...keep on a flappin your mouth has obviously bored your brain to death.


                      Way to go, name calling now. PSB showing your intelligence level the more you post. Yours seems to be dropping. No answers to your own statements. Thanks.


                        Funny you blah blah blah to your own words that were quoted


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