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Unseeded Next year!

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    Unseeded Next year!

    On the drive this past weekend I was surprised to see that lots of guys just sprayed out their fields that were to wet to seed. Hm just a little advise from the wet areas if you don't at least try to work it once to dry it out you will never ever get into the field again next spring especially if the rain continues into the fall. Also if the rain continues harvesting will be one hell of a challenge. Swathing wont work. Plus sprouting in standing grain can happen if its hot and humid. One year barley was growing from head in standing crop. It just kept raining that year. You think frozen shit is hard to get rid of try sprouted.

    Has to quit raining for more than a few days so us guys with unseeded acres can work it, the creeks are still running like its the middle of april.If this cycle doesnt change we will be looking at unseeded acres next year.


      I guess I will have to try a bit harder to get my 5000 unseeded acres worked. It was almost not mud on the hilltops before we had another 3 inches on Thursday and another 1 inch last night. We did manage to spike 1500 acres and it was not fun, at least fifty pot holes per field and water still in the runs. Good luck with your harvest hope it is better than ours will be. I dont think we will even be able to seed next spring it is so wet, 740 mm of rain since April 1st on our farm.


        You know what I enjoy best about you Saskfarmer3, is that you are so open, and willing to share your experiences, and tell it as you live it. LOL

        Farming has no where to go but up, with young guys like you in it.. head down, ass up and so damned approachable. Pars


          I don't really think people unable to seed is a joke, it is reality, likely most of the areas not seeded this year and not worked properly will not be seeded or if seeded result in no crop with normal snow or rain in spring. The current agristability program will not work, 30 dollars an acre in september to january will not cut it either. Something fair to all farmers is needed not more money for those that don't need it and nearly none for those that need it most. This is a major disaster time to get politicians to react appropriately and timely. Clean the house of these useless good for the administrators programs in the mean time.


            When the land is too wet to use a ground rig, high clearances are getting stuck constantly, cultivating is not an option. Guys, unless your in this area, you will find it hard to fathom how wet it is. There has not been a cultivation window this year yet, not even close. For Saskfarmer, who I think is an awesome contributer to this site, don't get me wrong, and don't take it personally, but us wet guys are waiting to cultivate. Of course we know that the soil needs air exposure, and to be bared off. But we simply can't. We have had 6 inches of rain in the last week. The headwaters of the whitesand are running like its april 15th, and the water has never actually stoped running in this area.

            As well, we are in a no drain zone, but talking to neighbors, there will be v ditchers all out this fall, otherwise we're screwed for next year. Imagine having no crop for 4 out of 6 years. That is what we could be looking at for anyone who cares.

            Myself, I plan to try and burn my land with fire, and hope to heck to spike it in the fall, but I can't burn it between material being too wet, and not being able to work a fire guard.

            We would work it if we could saskfarmer, but as of yet we can't.


              The water was running over the highway here on the weekend...but thanks for your meaningful contribution


                freewheat I was meaning in SW Sask where the Crop tour I did. I know how wet you guys are I was there the day Sowas Had their Demo day Wow is it wet.


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