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Frost! Canola! Flax! Lentils! HRS! and Durum!

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    Frost! Canola! Flax! Lentils! HRS! and Durum!

    Seems every where I go I keep reading about how crop conditions are great in Western Canada. DAH! This mornings morning report from Howard Lehman talks about Canadian crop getting bigger. HA how about a disaster in making like 2002 and 2004 only in huge area of western Canada and Alberta. Do these idiots ever get out of their offices and see what the hell is out their and what time of year it is and how fricking cold it got last night in Regina. OK I'm talking here since at a football game and almost froze to death last night. OK a little exaggerated but god did it cool down last night and fast. Thank god for cloud cover or today I think the fat lady would be singing. But it seems to me that in Canada people reporting info try to keep the best story possible for our crop with their rose colored glasses on 99% of the time. Hell the year 2002 when it froze all I heard was oh don't worry I'm sure damage is minimum. HA what a load of crap. Simply if rain continues as is predicted and maturity slows down. The calender keeps inching to Fall and Halloween mother nature is setting crops up for a quick and bitter end. Unless something changes soon in Weather or jet stream etc. We all think last fall was a challenge well maybe 2010 is going to be worse.
    But the point of this thread how will frost in two weeks say 5 of Sept affect your crops.
    1. Canola 50% frucked 50% will make something.
    2. Flax have none but neighbors will be toast.
    3. Lentils we have none in east Sask but few out their will be toast.
    4. Hrs 50% seeded early will make crop not huge but decent. 50% will be burnt as seeded later and needs long time.
    5. Durum seeded in April will make it good stand but no last years crop not even close. Some late durum in area would be a 5.
    Barley and Oats would make something. Barley better than oats.

    What if? It doesn't freeze for 3 weeks. What if we get a month of hot dry weather? What if everyone is done harvest with dry grain by mid Oct? All the machinery greased and fixed and put away for next year before snow flys? Those are possibilities too. The f word is possible but lets have a little hope.


      Frustrated I agree with you on the positive. But looking at weather we have received all fricking summer. Wet cool damp etc etc. if the cycle doesn't break and god lets hope it does. What will crops look like if it does freeze first week of Sept. I know what they will be if it doesn't. Hell that's easy. Most will make something. Canola that's still flowering No and Durum and HRS that's green now with just a seed forming No. But for most part the rest should make something.


        Seems like lots of farm reports of 2 out their this morning. Wow we came close. Lets hope we continue to dodge the bullet.


          at 2 degrees there will already have been some frost damage, not the kind right across the field, rather the kind that when your going down the field with the combine and you get to the low areas and nothing is coming into the grain tank, you stop look to see if the bottom of the combine didn't fall off somewhere, then you reset keep going and get to higher point see more grain coming in and then think to your self gee I'm glad I stopped to reset, until you get back to the hole again.


            That's right. 2 degrees is at a location that may be sheltered.

            A few years ago, at field trials, actual field temps were 5-7 degrees lower than what was measured at the house or quoted on the radio.


              It was @ 3.9 here last night.. All the LOW spot are drowned out this yr so no worries of crap in the hopper from them.....


                i see your cwb has just announced a 21 million ton wheat crop.
                our prices now dropping.


                  [URL="http://www.cwb.ca/public/en/newsroom/report/"]CWB radio report[/URL]


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