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CWB monkeys

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    CWB monkeys

    Monkeys --

    Start with a cage containing five
    monkeys. Inside the cage, hang a
    banana on a string and place a set of
    stairs under it. Before long, a
    monkey will go to the stairs and start
    to climb towards the banana.

    As soon as he touches the stairs, spray
    all the other monkeys with cold
    water. After a while another monkey
    makes the attempt with same result,
    all the other monkeys are sprayed with
    cold water. Pretty soon when
    another monkey tries to climb the
    stairs, the other monkeys will try to
    prevent it.

    Now, put the cold water away. Remove one
    monkey from the cage and
    replace it with a new one. The new
    monkey sees the banana and wants to
    climb the stairs.
    To his shock, all of the other monkeys
    attack him. After another
    attempt and attack, he knows that if he
    tries to climb the stairs he
    will be assaulted.

    Next, remove another of the original
    five monkeys and replace it with a
    new one.

    The newcomer goes to the stairs and is
    attacked. The previous newcomer
    takes part in the punishment with

    Likewise, replace a third original
    monkey with a new one, then a
    fourth, then the fifth. Every time the
    newest monkey takes to the
    stairs he is attacked.

    Most of the monkeys that are beating him
    up have no idea why they were
    not permitted to climb the stairs or why
    they are participating in the
    beating of the newest monkey. After
    replacing all of the original
    monkeys, none of the remaining monkeys
    have ever been sprayed with cold
    water. Nevertheless, no monkey ever
    again approaches the stairs to try
    for the banana.

    Why not?

    Because as far as they know, that is the
    way it has always been done
    around here.

    And that, my fellow monkeys, is how CWB
    and it's supporters operate ....

    Made me laugh out loud. Why? Because its so true


      super funny


        Yes that does sum up nicely what goes on in winterpeg.


          Eventually all of the monkeys will starve and the bananas will rot. The government will be happy cause all the monkeys towed the line, right to the bitter end.


            Good laugh!

            Insightful monkeys would have all beat a path to the stairs on recognition that the one on the step wasn't getting the cold wet shower.

            Never could say there was insight at the CWB, so no monkeys there, but lots of well paid dumb asses for sure.


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