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Spraying Early Seeded Durum Today!

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    Spraying Early Seeded Durum Today!

    We will start spraying some early seeded Durum Today with ClearOut 41. Should have waited till may to seed since neighbors is nicer than our first seeded. Yes theirs is one to two weeks behind ours but thicker crop. Oh well you win some and some you loose. Our last half section is good also but later. Funny this year Manitoba and Eastern Sask are ahead in harvesting over Alberta and Western Sask. Canola going down near Balcarres and Edgeley, but stuff near edgeley is to green.

    wow, my durum is 2-3wks off from spraying. Yes it's a great looking stand, but will it beat the frost???? yours will!

    did you get going in your peas, how'd they turn out? My first seeded, cut straight, ran 64-65 while the later plantings, that were swathed(weedier w/ more drowded), are only running 45-46. More losses in the swathed too, but quality sursprisingly good.


      Should of combined that day like you all said. We had 1 inch rain and since then cloudy and very wet mornings. Hopefully this afternoon we will be running full bore. Early look actually worse in pea department vs the later seeded. (April 20 vs May 6)


        40% chance next three days then RAIN on Monday! That is where it's flooded already. Heavy dew every morning and night. NO harvest weather in this area. No hot weather to mature crop, only a warmer day then cool, 17C on Monday!


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