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So Alberta is Going to Save the Day! Ha HA.

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    Will be interesting to see canola yields. We are NW of Lethbridge and have had rain every 3 to 5 days. maybe 2 days over 30. Canola from road looks really good but when you walk it a few things come to mind. why is this easier to walk in then most years. When you look there is lots of aborted pods and lots of short 1 inch pod. ALSO the podding zone is short. Sure the pods are fat and the top pods look good but I think yields may be disappointing. Looks like 50 to 60 from raod but may only do 35


      Isnt it funny only WD4 thinks its a huge crop from Saskatoon to Edmonton. Hm
      Yes the peace has huge problems no news story. One guy in southern manitoba harvesting and happy big news day. Yea what a joke.


        YAH wd9- is a real leader. Just the fellow to speak for farmers


          The market is based on BS and lies, angribusiness knows it and always takes advantage of us Comedian farmers. Stats are just what they are, stats, a guess made by someone, who has an uncle on the farm in Sask or Manitoba, or used to work on their farm, during the Summer. Though I will concede that Alberta may save the day, cause the whole province is full of crap and full of themselves......


            I don't speak for anyone.


              Not all the areas of the peace are zero either. Southern peace got a lot of rain and the stuff is crazy - 5 feet tall. Cool weather has allowed canola to surive and some are saying not horible crops. Some really sucks.

              For the math scholars in sask guess what higher then average and less then average crop averages out to?


                No doubt one of the greatest critical thinkers ever to have resided on the western prairies!

                Do you think it might be fruitful for patience to prevail until someone really knows? Reminds me of the breaking news of a federal budget speculation process.

                This is for certain. My winter wheat came off at 60 bushels per acre at 9.7% protein, 378 grams, no fusarium, and 11.2% to 14% moisture. Who else wants to share actual crop numbers?


                  Its not about being a genius, i'm just disagreeing with most of the posts here that say the whole crop is a disaster. That doesn't help you make good marketing decisions. Isn't that the purpose of Angryville?


                    I will help you out. Have to admit that there are places that normally produce what most consider a poor crop that are lucking out this year. I will also go with Charliep and Saskfarmer that the amount of unseeded and flooded does not show in the statscan report. We should be able to assume that they did not believe the farmers estimates of unplanted and added some acres. The grain trade I think also believes it also. They know it don't kid yourselves but do we know it?


                      Why would anyone be more truthful on this site than they are with statscan?


                        0% harvested on our farm as of right now. Started swathing Canola today though very thick crop for this area. I estimate 35-40, crop insurance averages are 28. Probably should have sprayed for scloritinia. We have the potential for one of our best barley crops ever! But.... Some of the lentil fields are full of scloritinia and butritis (sp?) That's the crop that pays the bills around here.

                        On wd9 being a wheat board lover LOL. Only because I think I know who he is. I'll bet he's done more to help Canadian Ag in the past pick your time period than
                        Most of the Kings of the coffee shop that spout off on here


                          I hate the monopoly of the Act. The CWB could actually become a great marketer if they had to work for it in the real world, not the enshrined unaccountable world they operate in.

                          I think sometimes most find it hard to separate the two and call the CWB the actual monopoly. I want my right to market to whomever or is it whoever i feel is best for my business like most of the other crops. A lot of great people including many farmers have been used up and spit out trying to make that seemingly simple change. But alas, it doesn't happen or look like it will for quite some time.

                          I hate the monopoly and my loss of simple right to freely market what i produce.



                            Are we going to let the Stuart (District 3)and Allan (District 5) show go uncontested?

                            I am about spent... howabout you take Gregs place?


                              I know who WD9 is and she or he IS a wheat board mole ( I always suspected as much And as far as Alberta saving the day, well , isn't that the normal course of events...transfer payments anyone?


                                I can't speak for what others will produce, but I know from walking my canola fields and talking to others that have also walked fields here in EC Alberta, that the canola yields are not going to be super. The big storm (24 hrs of driving rain that ran from Olds to Lloyd) in early July hit a lot of the canola at a critical stage, and it just never recovered. We've had rain for 60, but I'll be tickled if mine goes over 25. WD9, the crops mostly look really good from the highway, but get out into a pea crop or canola "here", and it will shock you. My spring wheat and malt barley could be my best ever, barring frost. I'm betting that we will be short canola bushels by May, and the market will reward us then.


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