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Russian Farmers Recieve More For HRS than Canadian farmers with the CWB!

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    Russian Farmers Recieve More For HRS than Canadian farmers with the CWB!

    Here is one for the record books.

    Wheat is approximately US $4.00 or US $160 tonne in the Southern Kuban region 1,000 miles south of Moscow it is about US $5.00 a bushel in Voronezh, half way between Moscow and Kuban.

    Good article from a guy who traveled to Russia.


    Some thing is definately wrong with our system Hey Boys!

    aCBW FPC for aug 24 was $7.51/bushel


      Take off freight because what I quoted is what Russian farmer receives not some BS price that we might bet year and half from now.


        You are getting to be a real cry baby. nothing but complain.
        on the other hand you could be getting a million dollars
        from Ag-stability.
        As for the price of Wheat it doesn't mean a thing until
        you got it in the bin, protein and grade. Before that
        the price is just a piece of paper. More farmers have lost
        the farm selling paper that from weather.
        One other point to get wheat into that market for that
        price we would have to pay the elevators as the price
        would be negative.


          Funny how you never quote the in your pocket price there stub.


            Here's an interesting price from Berthold N.D

            $7.63 Canadian in your pocket if you're willing to store it till February.


            And what would stubbles FPC be worth in a farmers pocket? Around $6.06

            Oh yah, the wheat board is king. LOL!


              Come on now, if you really think your farm needs that extra money you are just a greedy, self centered farmer who is only interested in "what's in it for me". The collective is more important.


                And it's not just me think of what those evil greedy multi-nationals would have made in the process. LOL!


                  Subble, do you get free freight and handling some how if you are a cwb plug?


                    Wow did you guys see the Barley price at Berthold, wish we can get that price here in Canada!


                      FPC $7.15-$1.50(freight & handling) =$6.01 within 10 days of delivery.


                        stubble I know you typed wrong but my first thought was ohoh They're letting roughrider fans do math again



                          Since by far the vast majority of wheat grown in Russia is Winter Wheat...

                          "Wheat is approximately US $4.00 or US $160 tonne in the Southern Kuban region 1,000 miles south of Moscow it is about US $5.00 a bushel in Voronezh, half way between Moscow and Kuban."

                          Even spring wheat isn't close to DNS/CWRS quality.

                          Apples to Apples.... quality matched... expenses accounted for... the Ruskies will make far more than the CWB gives for our 25bu/ac 14px falcon winter wheat.

                          Stubble you can sell all your wheat to the CWB for decades to come...

                          As long as we are allowed to bid our wheat out at auction; at a higher price than the CWB pays you (so you can't complain we are undercutting your CWB markets)... or just allow a genuine cash bid market...

                          Instead of forcing all sales of CWB wheat (CWB daily cash price the CWB pool) through the CWB daily pooling sales system.

                          The CWB has proven time after time... WARD P. WEISENSEL's Warped Wheat set up growers sales system backwards...

                          Instead of holding wheat values up... the CWB holds wheat values down... because buyers need not bid up prices to attract sales from 'designated area' grain growers... as (we) growers are forced to sell to the CWB alone.

                          No public transparency in commercial purchased volumes or values... with the growers pool to hide accountability... and 'buy back' hand cuffs to pad the CWB pool... stifling any 'designated area' grower who would seek more for their grain.

                          A perfect BUYERS monopoly to keep prices DOWN.



                            What is the first real monopoly effect in Russia... of their new grain sales system?

                            TO HOLD DOWN wheat PRICES. To Prevent food inflation.!!!


                              I am not claiming to be Pro CWB or anything, but I have a question for you in particular Saskfarmer3( ) You always quote what the other guy is getting, but do you ever consider that maybe their markets are right next door to them? What would your freight, marketing and other cost become if you did market your own grain? Would you still be complaining if the price went up the very day after you sold it? Don't you think that if the other marketers out would do better, then why don't they give you better than Feed Wht price now? If Viterra has all these mills in the USA, then why don't they give you a better price now?


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