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Turkeys/Wheat/A Moral Issue

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    Turkeys/Wheat/A Moral Issue

    Quote: "Saskatchewan has a small but well-managed turkey industry: twenty producers marketed 5.8 million kg of live turkey in 2003, valued at approximately $8.8M"

    And those twenty exclusive growers have probably convinced themsleves that they are marketing geniuses when they email Lilydale. But they'd jail you in a New York minute for bootlegging turkeys, wouldn't they?

    All other Saskatchewan producers are shut out of turkeypicken production by means of force. Legislated force. Fines. Jail.

    The CWB also markets by means of legislated force. Fines. Jail.

    Is that the kind of democracy you want? A club of thugs who grasp a market with monopoly fingers, and then claim they are super whiz marketers?

    It's greed at its' finest, disguised as efficiency isn't it.

    Surely the right of any farmer to market anything he produces should take precedence over an elitist gang of farmers who have declared they own the production and marketing rights for a specific commodity.


    This is really a moral issue, isn't it?

    So I'll change the question a bit wd:

    Question: Can a monopolist morally justify jailing his fellow turkey farmers for trying to produce and sell turkeys, just because the monopolist has arbitrarily claimed sole marketing and production rights upon turkeys?

    The CWB is morally wrrong, too.


    That bird won't fly!!! L.O.L.




        Turkeys Flying...

        A couple of years ago Alberta had a court case about Turkeys.

        In Taber I believe, some one had the audacity to try to process turkeys... and sell them in pieces.

        In the Turkey Board defense... they esclaimed that you could shoot the turkey into orbit... into space... and they could still stop the 'unauthorised' turkey production.

        The Alberta Judge agreed... so the turkeys are now happy cause they stopped cooking them and cutting the turkeys into peices!

        So if you want to shoot turkeys into space... you must first go through the 'Alberta Turkey Board'!

        And NO... I didn't dream this up!


          Southern Sask forecast according to The Wether Network looks terrible.



            There was a chicken/turkey quota waiting list in existence for 20 or more years then the Sask Board just threw it away and all those on the list are SOL.


              Do you consider the 20 growers' marketing plan as
              1. excellence
              2. thuggery?

              If you choose #1, then, should the same action plan be applied to flax, but accorded to only ONE farm, with say, a million acres? Pars


                Is there no visible waiting list?



                  if you prefer to watch!!!!


                    I think Environment Canada has a global warming agenda because David Philips has been saying "warmer and drier" for years now. Just my observation.


                      Tell a big enough LIE often enough and society will believe it... or something like that from NAZI propagandist Goebels.


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