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    Tim Ball is the only climate guy anywhere that has made any sense at all in the last 10 years - period....
    He was the only one who was calling for a coolish wet summer in most western Canada - the wack job from enviro canada David Phelps called for a hot dry summer at the end of may. Tim called it based on sun spot activity and almost no one paid attn and he was 'spot on' again.


      I also remember the hot dry summer predicted in April when we were DRY! Then it rained a 100 year plus amount, rarely warm, never hot.


        I don't believe Tim Ball has any weather background I think geography is his area of expertise.
        Great entertaining speaker though, and that why he was picked up by Exxon to spread the disinformation in the media.
        And looking at all the converts on this site I believe all their money has been well spent


          You have it exactly backwards
          mustardperson. Dave Phelps has a Masters
          degree in Geography and Tim Ball has a PHD
          in Climatology.


            I heard Tim Ball speak a couple of years back
            and he addressed the BS that people like to
            spout about him being in the employ of Big Oil.
            Absolutely made up BS.

            They can't argue against facts so they resort to
            slander to discredit him. Far too many millions of
            grant money, carbon credits, etc at stake and
            he's jeopardizing it by pointing out a few
            inconvenient truths as well.


              If you are so smart Mr. Mustard, why don't you call up Mr. Ball and challenge him to a debate? Maybe we can set that up right here on Agriville to watch live on the net.

              Joe or Charlie can we do that? What do you say Must? You can ask him what his credentials really are. Maybe ask about all those fake emails that came out of climategate! Maybe ask him how Al Gore made so much money. Maybe ask about Obama's friends in the chicago climate exchange and the money to be made with a new cap and trade bill.


                "Tim tells people what they want to hear ."

                I sure didn't like what he had to say about this summer when he talked about it in the spring. But as usual he was right on. On second thought he does tell some of us what we want to hear.... The Truth!


                  Siverback, like I said before, the money that was spent on the disinformation campaign by industry has been a huge success.


                    koba, farmranger and silverback are 100% correct. Al Gore has made millions on this selling carbon credits. If this was not such a politiclly voltile subject it would be dead already. Just takes time.


                      Hey there Must, I see you don't think a debate with Tim Ball would suit you. I don't know which side of the misinformation campaign you speak of, so I will ask if you ever heard of a little company called Enron?

                      Did you know that they would have been huge benefactors of a cap and trade tax? Why are the big power generators in the US onside with cap and trade and also making big political donations to the democrats? Why is General Electric promoting the tax and all things green? You don't think it's because they have some of the products that will have to be used to escape the big carbon credit hit do you? How about Dupont or BP America, funny how these little companies sunk huge dollars into biofuels and will get money back with the cap and tax system even though BP is one of those big evil oil companies.
                      Finally, how about Lehman brothers who has set up a massive carbon credit division to help keep track of things, they might take a small commission off the top, probably not for profit though hey?

                      If being Mr. Green makes you sleep better at night then that is great, just get ready to open up your wallet to "help" the planet.


                        Mustard, check out this article

                        <a href= "http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-11126597"> BBC News</a>

                        Many more for you to review.

                        Funny thing the more I read I find Dr Pachauri lining his pockets and many other so called 'greens' but Tim Ball not so much.


                          Mustardman, and other Man Made Global Warming Fear Mongers, please read this,


                          and understand how you have been manipulated into taking money from you own pocket and giving it to the likes of Al Gore, David Suzuki et al, so they can enjoy multiple homes and villas with many square feet and many bathrooms, allowing some to even purchase and enjoy their own private jet. I'm sure your small donations are always welcome.

                          You and your children have swallowed the disinformation(in a way, it's not your fault, they had plenty of help from the MSM and the school education system) and are now scared and frightened for your own future. Your willing to pay for Cap an' Trade, and you want to force others to pay as well, there by becoming little soldiers for the Gore's and Suzuki's...

                          Al Gore was worth roughly $2 million, just after the 2000 election which he lost to G.W.Bush, currently Al is worth just under $1 billion! all thanks to the lies of Global Warming and the hysteria around it.


                            Thanks guys, that is all great reading. It justifies my hunch. I love this comment especially that we NEED a crisis or IMPENDING DOOM...
                            "Absolutely correct, this "anthropogenic" basis of global warming is complete malarkey, it's bogus, and it's been known for some time now that the United nation's IPCC reports are not just biased but complete fabrications. For those interested in the real research behind the earth's climate, may I recommend Fred Singer's "Unstoppable Global Warming - Every 1,500 Years". The Sun drives the earth's climate, not Man. It's also true that more elderly die of the cold than from heat. In the past, a warmer earth was directly correlated with more plant growth in formerly cold areas, greater food production, and also greater cultural achievements by Man. Look at all the cathedrals built during the Medieval Warm Period. Finally, as an FYI, Dr. Mann's infamous "hockey stick" chart would have resulted in the "hickey stick" regardless of the data put into it. I don't know what gets into peoples' heads, it almost as if the vast majority of people need some kind of crisis or "impending doom" to be "just around the corner". "


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