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Stewart Wells to run in CWB elections

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    Read up on the preferential ballot system and then you will learn why the vote isn't split.


      Gustgd your right,we can only dream and fantasize what would and could of been. When Harper,Ritz and company got elected a lot of us had so much hope and allot of promise for cwb election reforms,but, alas it just isn't happening. I could go on and on but the best way to describe and some up their performance on this cwb file would just one BIG ASS DISSAPOINTMENT!


        "Should he even be eligible to run being an organic farmer? Total conflict of interest. Force everyone else to sell to the monopoly and he gets to buy back his grain for pennies."

        Interesting comment.

        Let's juxtapose and see how these socks fit on the crowing rooster:

        "Should a seed grower even be eligible to run? Total conflict of interest. Force everyone else to sell to the monopoly while the registered seed grower gets to buy back his grain for $0.00."

        Every time.
        For decades.

        Mind you, Stu will probably vote towards making sure ALL seed growers start paying "their fair share" through the buyback. But isn't that what we already have at the Board table; except we'd be just widening the scoop shovel? At least Stu is honest about his intent.

        Of course, compulsion has never been my way of moving towards a free market, but then again, I am still able to observe that the seed growers SERVING as CWB directors have certainly not served certified organic growers well when I compare myself to registered seed growers seated at the self-serve $0.00 buyback table.

        And look at YOU. The average conventional grower is getting the CWB buyback tax straight up the ass, in spite of voting in "their own" sitting at the Board table! Who would guess attacking organics would be the pressing priority?

        The meaningful comparison should be the high buybacks conventional farmers are forced to pay vs the no cost buybacks seed growers pay.

        That's the real lesson in politics and one the sly avoid broaching.



          Hmmmm, I wonder if he's pro choice?


            There are approx 40,000 farmers in Saskatchewan with no more than 2,000 farming organically.

            1.Farm organizations could legitimately make the argument that 38,000 conventional farmers choosing to do a buyback at $0.00 as compared to being forced to do, say, a $2.00/ever-changing buyback, would leave a lot of money in the conventional farmers pocket, as it currently does and has always done for the seedgrower's pocket.

            Yet, farm organizations seem to deliberately choose to ignore the 38,000 who could benefit the most, and thus be a voting allies.

            So, who gains from pointing fingers at 2000 organic farmers who currently pay a reduced buyback tax, compared to full blown conventional buybacks? (btw....do you recall the exhorbitant buyback taxes we paid for years that were routinely deposited in conventional farmers pooling accounts?..{I digress).

            Organic farmers do not gain.
            ....A piddly 2000 Organics is obviously not the problem.
            ....38,000 farmers do not gain.

            So....Why promote division between the two?
            Who gains by yelling, "Look at the organic bird?"

            Why will so many of the 38,000 vote for Stu?

            Question for the Questioner
            Are the principles advertised by the elected/leaders/smugsters the same as the principles they quietly protect?

            No wonder each one of the 38,000 will be asking themselves, "Which principle will be dished out to the 38,000 after the election, even if I vote for Mr X?"

            At least the 38,000 know where Stu stands, don't they. Pars


              So if they only run one pro choice guy against him what will happen?


                "So if they only run one pro choice guy against him what will happen?"

                Well Silver, if that pro choicer campaigned with some fresh thoughts, pledging honor and work to free the 38,000 from high buybacks instead of grunting comfortably with the status quo exemptions and per diems; pledging to give the 38,000 parity with the present gaggle enjoying $0.00 buybacks, don't you think the 38,000 would reconsider the power and direction of their vote? They would gain what others enjoy. GAIN! After all, re-read the postee above who is droolingly green over "pennies" for organic buybucks, which is typical of the politics of envy in road gear.

                We need Pea Party organizers.

                Maybe the 38,000 would embrace some fresh blood in "Pea Party" candidates following actual principles. lol

                You busy for the next five years, silver? You'd win handily. Pars


                  Very interesting parsley, buy back for the seed growers.


                    You're wrong.

                    I did NOT advocate:

                    "work to include the seedgrowers to pay the same high buybacks as do the 38,000"

                    You see, I don't believe in dragging fellow seed grower farmers into the buyback abyss.

                    That is why I said, very clearly, so that everyone could understand, this solution:

                    "work to free the 38,000 from high buybacks"

                    I guess you missed it. Pars


                      Never said you did advocate it. Nope.


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