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Hows your "F - - KING" Day going!

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    Hows your "F - - KING" Day going!

    Well let's sum it up this way first pull fuel truck in 1 1/2 miles off highway on road to fill swathers. Lovely running water but hey Canola is changing so have to go. (I know its shitty crop but sask crop says I have to harvest). First few rounds interesting, nice to see beavers can stop a water run in middle of a half section with one willow bush. Then when you finally think your going to make some progress "Bam" and down you go stuck to the header when its all way up. Go walk to tractor and get rope. No not to hang yourself. Pull it out then you look over the other one is now stuck repeat. Then 1 hour later you see he is stuck again not that bad ha. You almost get him out readjust chain and angle and "Bam" now the big mechanical is stuck. So now you flip to see who is going to walk the 1 1/2 miles out. You win yea, and continue to swath then just as your about to finish "Bam" your stuck no not by a slough no not by trees, no in the middle of the frucking field on a hill top. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. And how is your day going!

    "Note to self if ground is so saturated it can't support a swather how the hell is it going to hold up a combine" maybe the locals will burn this field oh yea nothing will burn.**AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH** Have a safe harvest and laugh how utterly idiotic this ocupation really is. OK the big four wheel is finally here with 100 ft rope.


      That was last Friday for me. How the hell do those beavers do that, They even incorporated an empty roundup jug into the mix, wherever that came from. Do you have sink holes, like caved in wells, on your side hills yet? To find them it needs to be night time and you need to have the swather going 8mph. Anyone seen triples for the combine yet.


        Must be a factory defect!

        Didn't distribute wieght properly or install wheels capable of holding it self on top of wet ground.

        If not, it should have been in owners manual- "Not intended for use on saturated ground" Damd equipment suppliers have no common sence what so ever.


          About the same, but don't rut it up too bad there are guys lining up to rent all the wettest land in the west, only in big acre amounts not any of this pissy ass 2 or 3000 acre bullshit. HA HA HA Feel your pain, hope somehow the day goes better for you and everyone!


            If you put triples on the combine the back tires will sink. Happening all over the place. Need to get bigger rubber on the back as well. We tried to swath, but the crop wasn't worth it so we quit. Might wait till freeze up to get this bumper crop.


              Finished the 1/2 section and home still have to get the one tractor out tomorrow and the swathers. Had to pull the fuel truck still to road couldnt make it. And word is rain again tomorrow. Im starting to get the feeling were not going to get this shitty crop.


                SF3, are you and your family healthy?

                Do you enjoy farming?

                I spent the day walking - a total of roughly 4 miles with a box of matches, a 5gal pail of diesel, and shovel... burning fields that couldn't get seeded this spring. I loved every minute of it and thank God that I've been given the chance to farm.

                Just some food for thought when you're out there yanking equipment


                  Hey Christian glad you found your way onto this site. Pretty entertaining most days.


                    Yea Klaus your right were healthy and as a family very happy, so I guess the weather is just starting to PS me off. The line moved south from last year and I know if it keeps same in 2011 I wont seed an acre and I guess that's whats getting me down the most. But man I lost 10 lbs this year with all the walking Ive done across fields. Have a good one.


                      hey klause see how your wife and children feel about you walking around with a box of matches and a pail of diesel fuel one day , whilst they cant buy bread or clothes for their backs. Thats the reality son.. I dont care how much you love it, it has to make money..


                        Hey JDGreen hows the field West of Kindersley. Is it starting to turn.


                          how would i know im south of swift... But if i was a bettin kind of guy i would say its still green ;-)


                            Hey JDGreen,

                            I have an IT business on the side, and since that's gotten battered by the economy work in the patch out west (as you probably know). I don't "need" the farm to make money, but it would help. I'm not married. But I have to take care of my parents - neither of whom work, as being immigrants neither have a pension.

                            I realize we all WANT/NEED money. We WANT/NEED the farm to make money. However stressing out, driving people around you and yourself up the wall, and seeing everything in a bad light will hurt your health, your family, and your friendships. It's a bad year. It's bad from Steinbach to High Level. Guys in SK are whining about the rain and fields being too wet... Try being wet for three years in a row, mudding in seed and mudding out crop.

                            All I'm saying is count your blessings... Many in Canada have no clue - absolutely NO CLUE how well off they are.


                              If this "WET" is the new "NORMAL", I'd bet a big chunk of the prairies will be used for other than crop production. This scenario is absolutely impossible to work with, producers will quit this torture. This day going downhill fast, rain started by 11am, even thunderstorms.


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