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Hows your "F - - KING" Day going!

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    God are you ever inspirational Klause, I am on such a high the rain is falling my four wheel drive is buried out in the field, canola I cannot swath half is shelled out, wheat is a pretty combination of black mold and pink fusarium and I feel GREAT!!! I am so glad you brought me into the utopia of unreality, I think I am gonna call Ritz right now and tell him keep on screwing us that have no margin to fall back on in his supposed to be scrapped agrivation program and that he really is a stand up kinda guy.
    And then when I wake up tommorrow, to reality I'll start banging my head against the wall, and when that is done hopefully I'll have done a good enough job to get back to unreality again, but who's gonna feed my family?


      riders2010, and basically most of you - You've had two excellent years... followed by this year. You should have built up ample capital and should have the equity to wether this storm. What would you do if you were in Ste. Rose / Ste. Amelie / Laurier, MB where this is the third year of this wet shit? Yes, this crop is horrible. We're all in the same boat.

      Need to support your family? Here you go:


      You live in a free country where if you have the initiative you can do what you want, and sometimes you need to do what you have to to get where you want to go. Does bitching, moaning, and whining get your grain in the bin? Does it get rid of fusarium? Does it stop the canola from shelling?

      Perhaps you need to live in a country where you grow a 50bu/ac soybean crop, and a 110bu/ac wheat crop, put it in the bins, guard it from communist terrorist gurillas, only to have it confiscated from the government, who puts an "export tax" on it and you end up with 15 and 20% of the full market value respectively. Perhaps you need to be in a country where bombs are set under highways and city streets. Where corruption runs rampant.

      That's South America. That's were my parents immigrated from. Do not sit at your computer, or tap away at your blackberry whining about all the little things (and a piss poor crop for one year is a little thing in the grand scheme of your life).

      If one crop failure puts you so close to the edge that you're a 32nd of an inch from failure, you will need to re-examine your operation... you obviously have more debt than you can handle safely.


        Well Klaus here is some slush money. Why the hell would you leave all that fun for this shit. Simple question if all you think is we bitch. Because listen the CWB and all its trouble plus the games of stats Canada etc is reality and that's our corruption.


          Also in South America If you have a poor summer crop their is always the winter crop.


            There is no winter crop in Argentina. You plant winter wheat after you harvest soybeans.... One crop per year. Brazil is different. My parents moved here from Argentina.


              Klause-your in the land of bulls,our
              grunting,moaning,bitching,pulling,fighting,is a
              horrible legacy .Everybody has left farming my dear

              If you want to prove me wrong answer one simple

              Why is the greatest agriculutural technology base
              western canada?


                Well as a matter of fact Klaus we've had 3 years of the last flood, every bit as bad as this one and then some, crop out over winter that didn't amount to shit all this spring now 60% seeded. Take a look around you farmers going broke left and right, an agristability program supporting farmers that only had one year of loss in the last 5 and nothing for others in our situation. Hell if I had only this to deal with in the last 5 I'd be embarrassed to cash that agristability cheque when others are getting nothing. So what is all the pictures and going on and on about the wet all about? Your on a scale where going and getting a 9 to 5 can pay your expenses good for you but not many are any more.


                  Klause, you are right. There are people in other parts of this country and world, through no fault of their own, who do not know if they will eat tomorrow. Most times we do not realize how well off we are and are spoiled with everything we have and wish we could have more but this year is going to set us back.

                  For all the bitching and moaning SF3 does I truly cannot believe he still farms. Why put yourself through this every year? Surely you could find a less stressful occupation. I appreciate most of your posts but the doom and gloom of chicken little's sky falling gets tiring. I am living through the same conditions as others in the wet areas yet not complain constantly.

                  Be careful so you don't end up like this guy:

                  <a href="http://s647.photobucket.com/albums/uu197/thecandianeh/?action=view&current=991332476923224full.jpg&q uot; target="_blank"></a>


                    I'm not saying all you do is bitch... but seriously, I've been following agriville for two years, most threads are people complaining about this or that... Does complaining fix anything?

                    The CWB topic is getting old. I don't like the CWB. I don't grow HRS. I grow CWSWS and sell it to ethanol plants... make the same money as you guys do through the CWB (higher yield, lower price) and get my money at delivery. Want to get rid of the CWB? Get a unified voice and start protesting it. Look at farmers in Europe - and in the USA. They actually know how to stand up for themselves. Hell, look at what's been going on in Argentina. They (farmers) have forced the government to curtail their export duties.

                    Name calling is a very fine method of showing professionalism. Farmers are pretty much the only sector of our economy that drives up their own prices (land, equipment), then complains that it's too expensive. When complaining doesn't work, they resort to childish namecalling...

                    The bad thing is, this is a VERY small section of the farming population... As you can see by the opinions of those on NAT and TCF compared to AV.

                    I've been in Canada since I was 9 months old... Don't dare call me an "ignorant".

                    Greatest technology base in Western Canada? Get your head out of the sand...

                    Grain bags = Argentina
                    GPS = USA.
                    Striptill / Notill research = USA.
                    CTF = Australia

                    This list can go on and on. They've been using air delivery systems on Vaderstaad and Amazone seeders for longer than we have.

                    By the way... in South America, grain bags are placed in the yard, on large cement / asphalt pads... not in the middle of a field... just thought you should know that


                      riders2010 -

                      I'm assuming your in the NE of SK?

                      Some years its best to not put a crop in... leave the land fallow and replenish itself at least you didn't waste the money.

                      Many farms, IMHO, have grown too large for their own good.

                      This is Canada. We have 40 days to seed, 30 days to spray, and 40 days to harvest in a normal year. Farms do not scale infinitely. In Argentina, or Australia you can run 50,000 acres sure... who cares if your harvest rolls out until July (they should be done in May)... it's summer. You can seed for 70 days straight. We can't. We have frost. We know these issues exist as no one on this board has been farming for their 1st year...

                      As for small enough to pay it with a 9 - 5 job? HAHAHAHAHA. 9 - 5 jobs pay $12/hr here if that. Can't buy equipment, buy land, and support your parents on that. We cover just under 2,000 acres and crop 1200 (or should. We seeded just under 600, and harvested just under 400 of that). We had land flooded last year, that produced "0". In 2005 we harvested "0" acres because we got totally swamped.


                        Yea yea yea sing a song. Farming ain't no picnic and that's what I am trying to say. Every young guy starting thinks we got where we are the easy way yea right its a huge amount of hard work. This year is psing me off.


                          I agree, NO place and time better to live than where we are. However, we all focus on our own situations and unfortunately most of us are wishing for better circumstances than the current weather. So strange to have such a widespread weather issue ALL summer. It is not healthy to keep stuff bottled up inside, so venting or sharing is the****utic. Though it does get overdone for some and sounds like desperation for others. Keep your sanity and save your health fellas, share some positives also.


                            So what are all the pictures directed at the west for, our enjoyment, I see that and worse every day, your complaining yet saying be happy, go get a job but that cannot support your expenses well cannot support mine either, what are you trying to say, Are you just a happy guy all the time, good for you, but and I hope you don t if you sit there facing bankruptcy is it gonna be fun, ask the thousands that have gone through it, it isnt fun. If your job isnt gonna pay the expenses Are you aware where you are headed, nobody can not seed and be better off year after year, or do you even care. People are different some put their heart and soul into this thing some dont give a shit maybe that is you.


                              I took over the farm when I was 16 - my parents divorced... I didn't have to, I want to. The farm is my life. However, I do not bitch and moan about it raining too much... yes, I show pictures... Have no trouble saying it's a bad year, but come on. Some members on here do nothing but be negative post after post after post. Depression leads to suicide. Do you really want to go down that road?

                              I try to stay positive, yes. I get pissed. I get moody. But just remind myself it's useless because it doesn't change anything. Dealing with adversity is what gives one character. Running around whining doesn't help. There's not a single positive thread on this board right now in case ya didn't notice.

                              When prices are high, and the yields are there and easy to get it's easy to be the world's greatest farmer. It's when the going gets tough, and you see people's true colors, that's when you can separate the wheat from the chaff. That's something my Dad taught me... having been through WWII, the first Argentine roundup, the second one, the confiscation of all property, the communist incursion, and two rounds of hyperinflation.


                                Well you go down your road saying thats the way it is and accept all the bullshit thrown your way with a smile on your face great good for you. Im not saying things here for sympathy, no Im saying them because we hear the lies in the news that the politicians give that they gave so much and maybe they do but to who do they give, the ones that buy them off that's who, to the ones that got lucky with past weather and need it less that's who (and I doubt that will happen also in the end)! but the spin is it's to all the family farm that they are trying to help bull! Not to mention everyone up the chain calculating every last penny out of us. What do you think I'm trying to change the weather by posting? No just trying to in some ways ask people if they think this is right, would they like it to be them, are they satisfied doing nothing about the bull, because the rose colored picture that the gov and media is painting is a smoke and mirrors game, there are lots that are in mess either don't care like you, afraid to speak up, or don't know what to do. Gov and those up the chain like when we don't help each other and don't like when we even discuss what is happenning. Yes of course other countries for petes sake you get shot at every day, yes there is corruption. But the corruption here is not right out for everyone to see, it's become a more sophisticated corruption sort of legalized by making your own rules corruption. Here for example one of many when you have a company full of government grants and 0 interest loans screw farmers out of money then get even more gov handout, and get listed as a top 100 company and the farmers that went broke because of what they did get looked down as poor managers etc. and worse you still have to feed your family whether it is in Argenina or here when you are broke you are broke. And the guys that knew they could not pay yet kept taking the grain at the same time planning to go bankrupt that's not criminal? And when your broke 12 or even 20 bucks an hour doesn't go far to get you out and you'd better have a small family to support.
                                You think your freedom and not getting shot at is all you need then go for it with a smile. I expect that freedom as a given, becsuse people died people in my family, for us to have it, if they didn't fight and took it with a smile where would we be? that rule applies to the situation we are in now, People associate freedom with the instant road to riches, that freedom in reality is to choose which life, occupation you want to begin your battles in to survive that's all.


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