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Hows your "F - - KING" Day going!

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    Someone please notify a psychology department somewhere .... this is something that reminds me of what you would have seen on a school bus out in the prairies 30 years ago ...

    Klause.... thumbs up for standing your ground like a man ....

    ( that should piss a few kids off.....)


      Work in the hog barn do we? Kraus doesn't stand for anything except let's be happy when we get pissed on.


        Hey the Bible according to Klaus. God man and you must have walked to school 12 miles every day through 5 ft snow drifts. Oh wait you came from Argentina. AH Evita.............
        Klaus ask your self one simple question. If all us farmers just sat their and said nothing. I mean all farmers do you honestly think their would have been one single dollar delivered for the flood damage this spring. Or the media would have given a rats ass about the flooding.
        Second on the CWB if you think for one second the Internet has not had a huge effect on the CWB man your smoking something. They are under constant pressure. Simply buy even having elections and guys like wells running by showing what these kind of guys really represent farmers can make up their own minds to vote or not vote. Its new media.
        Third bitching about grading gets guys to think every single time they go into an elevator and the little ps ant behind the counter is giving them grief.
        Five nice pictures but if you rented the grassland from the Farmer and then paid him, but didn't seed it how well did you do on that financial deal. Or did you pay that farmer nothing for using his land. Did you skin him and take the 30 dollars or did you share the no seeding lets see who you really are. Or did you rent it so you have somewhere to walk and think about how nice it is. Hawaii trust me is way more nice.
        ON AN ON AND ON>
        I m not negative its just things happening that effect my bottom line and every other farmers bottom line every day sitting in a circle and holding hands and singing might make you feel good but information is what gets you the money.
        You have some points on being positive. Hell you think were all not positive other wise why do what we do, but when something is effecting farmers or hurting farmers phoning the Govt stress line wont help at least this is a place to go.


          Rider are you saying he works for the Hog barn up their that ripped ripped ripped farmers off for millions of dollars and is one of Saskatchewan's top companies. END OF CONVERSATION!


            My God. You two really are a piece of work.

            Saskfarmer - I took $30/ac on the fields that got seeded and flooded, and on the land we already had, was ready to
            seed, and did not seed.

            The 320ac we picked up this July, we did not ask any $$$ on. My landlords got 33% of the annual rent this year
            paid in cash on signing. On another quarter that we picked up this spring before seeding, which was hayland also
            we paid 50% of the rent, even though all that I could get in to do was spray it with R'UP.

            I have much experience with internet marketing... I'll tell you one thing, a couple guys on here bitching and
            whining doesn't make a damn of a difference to the CWB... why? Because in the eyes of anyone who actually runs a
            business or has biz. experience, you guys sound like children. You want to take on the CWB, then do it step by
            step, law for law, action for action. Write competent letters, publish them in newspapers, journals - online
            communities - news agencies.

            You want to know how to get rid of the CWB? Take the message to the streets. If the general public comes behind
            you on it, it WILL be done. I don't know if you've noticed this, but the general public of Canada is pissed at
            farmers running around in new pickups, having all-new equipment, whining about needing money, while they go to the
            grocery store and see the price of food go UP UP UP. Has any one of you big-mouths ever thought of that? Or can
            any of you actually stand up in front of consumers and explain how, why, and what we do, and WHY and WHO is making
            so much from the food they have to buy? No.

            You want to know about grading... I LOVE giving my elevators a run for their money... don't believe me, read this:

            I know the grading guide for every grain. My samples do not get graded without me present, and I call whoever
            screws up. I challenged Viagra wit ha barley sample, and got the grade I wanted.

            We switched from Viterra to Cargil this spring... Cargil's rep still getting the hang of dealing with me. She has
            to do the fertility plans, cost plans, arrange the trucking, do the grid sampling, yadayadayada for 95% of
            farmers. I have my own plans, come up with my own prescriptions, use chem rates based on the label, not spraying
            the highest, and not screwing around with unregistered concoctions. I ask for prices a unit not an acre. I haul my
            own grain by semi - after taking the sample to a half dozen elevators - to the one with the best price... I find a
            backhaul on almost every load to pay for the trucking costs. I DO NOT sell to un-bonded grain companies, or any
            feedlots period.

            Did all the bellowing get the $30/ac payment? Hmm.. Well, not the stuff on Agriville, but yes being vocal to your
            MPs, and getting most people in western Canada behind you helped.

            Now, riders2010 - please do me a favor and next time you post, break up your text into paragraphs. It makes things
            much easier to read.

            Finally, saskfarmer - Nothing was built in a day. I worked hard as hell to get to where I am, and will work even
            harder if that's what it takes to achieve my goals. There is no farm in western Canada that wasn't built with
            blood and sweat.



              Oops. That link re grain grading didn't show up. Let's try it again.
              <a href="http://www.thecombineforum.com/forums/23-crop-production/21729-ergot-wheat-harvest-2.html#post179611"/>


                [URL="http://www.thecombineforum.com/forums/23-crop-production/21729-ergot-wheat-harvest-2.html#post179611"]Grain grading[/URL]


                  Don't go painting all the hog barns / hog farmers with the same Blue Sky colored brush....... many of them are still going to buy our off grade lentils, peas, barley and feed wht this year. AND from what I have seen, even when their hogs were in the tank, the local farmers were still getting better than CWB or even elevator prices for their grain.

                  Most of the feed mills were also making hog feed for hog farmer customers and they were paying proper prices for what they bought. Boo Hoo that they aren't going to pay #1 wheat prices this year but neither will the elevators, they NEVER have.


                    Your right about that Dog patch, in fact lots sold so called feed wheat for more than cwb prices of graded wheat many years, there are many good operations in the hog industry.


                      Klause does not work for a hog barn. You dummies go making accusations without any credible information which just makes you lose even more credibility. You guys rant and rave while Klause comes back with level headed arguments and I can sense the frustration growing with every post since he does not stoop to your level.

                      If you guys actually did some research and viewed some other forums with an open mind you would know who Klause is, how hard he works and the situation he is in. He has worked for everything he has and is not spoiled. He does not need me to defend him but you idiots just keep on blindly arguing which, I am ashamed to say, is exactly what the CWB supporters do. That's about as close as you guys will come to being compared to CWB supporters but if the shoe fits....


                        You think he has worked hard and the rest of us haven't. Good one. As for his nice comments yea great. All I am saying is by bringing up on here what is going on out there does get read and yes it helps with action. Talking to ones MP or MLA yea that works Ralphy really cares what I say.
                        What I was explaining with this post is a normal day for any one who is from the East side of the province. READ>
                        Call it bitching if you want but singing la la la every thing is fine yea that works well.


                          Maybe it's more the way you present your posts makes it look like whining all the time. I think you can give an update without all the drama in your posts.


                            Klaus is in la la land utopia good for him never die of heart failure for sure. You really know him from internet posts? Let's see hasn't had a crop since when, says go get a job that's the answer but when asked about it he says that doesn't cover his expenses either, posts pictures about how bad it is for him and then says others are bitching, its scrambled eggs at best. Every situation is different he's living with mom and dad I believe that's what he said so if they pay all the expenses, he has no family to support, maybe land is paid for, landlords giving a break no one around here gets, maybe he can continue for ever to never grow a crop and things will be great, that doesn't happen around this area. We assume every immigrant came with a napsack of clothing only how do we know what they came with or why, anyone can be anyone on the net.


                              Greg I like the drama posts look this one has 42 highest was in 70s it gets guys looking and talking. No I never have all answer hell far from it, but an old saying "God helps those that help them selves".
                              Sitting and praying for help and hope gets you through the day but with out action nothing changes.
                              Also the squeaky wheel gets greased, Yea to a point then it gets annoying and that is true some time with my posts hell after their posted you think not that important.
                              Oh well off to swath in mud Have a good one.


                                Sounds good SF3, have a safe one.

                                Rider, get a grip. He explained he takes care of his parents which are divorced. Either you read and cannot comprehend or are ignorant like the blinded CWB supporters.


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