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Hows your "F - - KING" Day going!

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    And your so proper gregpet extremist, wingnuts supporting the cwb and wingnuts supporting the other extreme. YOu and Klaus have nice no fantastic day sitting all cuddled up together on porch swing exchanging pictures of the beautiful falling rain, that's gonna wash the shit off that guys ass!!!


      Hats of to you Klause for your comments. You definitely make some valid points.

      For everyone else that is "stuck" in this mess, there is nothing we can do but wait and hope the weather turns in our favor and allows us to get our crops in. This is an unprecidented mess and although Skhaduf with a new identity claims he has went through this for a number of the past years (which is unfortunate) the majority have not. Any government body, no matter who you think should be elected is not going to peel out millions of dollars mid stream in a year just because a select few are very vocal. The year needs to end, markets will react when actual results are actually known.

      As for the large hog operation, well maybe a few of you need to read the documents posted on the web detailing the events that actually happened, not the media exerpts. And coming from a farm that had grain in their "bin" when this all went down, well we got a special option after the fact to cover our loss from before.

      As for the CWB arguement, I could care less if it is here or gone and I definitely don't believe that when its gone things are going to be miraculously better like some of you claim.

      As far as the Agristability program, our rider fan continues his rant about the inequalities and how everyone should get equal amounts, every year done deal, simple. Well wouldn't we have the greatest farmer welfare, manipulated program of all time. As for our farm, yes we are protected well, 1st with 80% crop insurance that we have taken every year, second with a very high Agristability margin. We pay an incredible amount of corporate tax every year, did you ever think that maybe we (and those with high reference margins)are only getting back what we have paid in????.

      I've said it before, if farming is causing you and your families that much stress and frustration, you have a choice. Get out, start a new life, move on and hold your head high. Spending time on here complaining about governments, programs, the CWB gets you nothing.


        Hey 99 how about letting us in on your dirty little hog barn secret LOL... You don't get paid and then you spout that you have this sweet little top secret deal going on now... I wonder if the rest of the creditors that took pennies on the dollar are aware of your little side deal. Whats that smell?? pigshit??? oh no actually its fraud but smells the same.


          I was waiting for you Ritz lover to step in but you and your idiot leader are gonna be in for a surprise the shit is rising now that reality of where the crop is going. Fuxxers like you don't want it to change because you'd get what you should get which is nothing with one year of loss. Hypocratical typical asshole it's good for me so screw everyone else. Well we'll see everytime you post you loose people here that supported these prixx hard line conservatives they can't believe building hockey rinks and stadiums to buy votes and shit programs for the crop that is out and not seeded, keep posting bragging up your margin. Exactly what we need!!!


            JD I didn't say it was fair to the small business's that went down with this. A bunch of you are saying that farmers lost piles relating to grain deliveries.

            Everyone that had grain in the pit was offered a premium for subsequent grain deliveries to cover the balance that we were not paid.

            If you didn't participate, you lost it, your choice. And again, I'm not happy about the listing in the book either but I ignore it, move on!

            Skhadenuf, I don't care what government is in power. In fact I don't think I have went out of my way in the last 4 federal elections to vote. You are a chronic whiner and wannabe leach on the system. Like I said before, the government of your day could send you $500 per acre every year, you still wouldn't be happy.

            The program will not break or make our farm. We have done a good job marketing 2009's crop in the last 2 months that will greatly reduce a large portion of any agristability payment we may receive. I am still hoping for some type of harvest and if we get something out of the program, great.

            Will it be spent on shiny equipment, trips and everything else you claim the "crooks" are using for, no! It will be invested wisely in the next crop we are able to seed and I hope I can make it return the normal 4.1 ratio of fert/chem cost to avg production we normally get.

            What ever the program is of the day, it won't effect our farm. We manage to our best ability on our own. If you want it gone, you have my vote.

            Just remember, a well managed, minimal fluctuation farm is going to be "rewarded" (your words) in the same inequitable fashion as you are complaining about now.


              Keep talking, your not gonna get anything out of agristability? lol What is your secret deal, inside pull with the gov involvement? answer the question? Or maybe a deal with some of those major shareholders that pulled their money out just before the bankruptcy and left as millionaires on grant and stability money. You're typical ritz, laugh off when people died due to listeriosis and laugh off when people I know for fact went broke because of the bullshit pulled in that deal. But hey that didn't matter less farmers right that's the end game isn't it as long as you that pay oh so much taxes get YOUR fair share for free. Try again with skhadenuf bull.
              Keep talking every single post you've made on here helps kill the vote, I'm surprised they keep paying you to represent them.


                Gps-military technology nuf said

                Argentina grainbag technology-mickey mouse crap
                equipment that the local work in shop can sorters
                could build better.I know i own an extractor and
                bagger that came from there.It took us dumb
                western canadian farmers to start building
                something that works.

                And if you feel like giving me an answer as to how
                one man combines and bags 50,000 bushels of
                oats without the bags being in the fields,i'm all

                Western Canada is the worlds epicenter of farming
                technology,its almost to obvious to argue,how many
                months did it take for us to gear up and conquer
                lentil,mustard,canary,flax etc,etc,

                If farmers want to come on here and vent and here
                similar stories from other farmers going through
                tough times so that they can feel some piece of
                mind that they are not the only ones suffering,who
                the **** are you to say-you should have saved
                more money-you shouldnt have so much debt-you
                should be happy cause your so lucky to be farming
                and not living in bum****istan-what about the
                government programs,bla,bla,bla

                Goto the top and re-read everything and tell me
                you were not the one who started this.

                And trust me on this one-farming and being single
                is vastly different than farming and being married
                with children


                  Rider said:

                  And your so proper gregpet extremist, wingnuts supporting the cwb and wingnuts supporting the other extreme. YOu and Klaus have nice no fantastic day sitting all cuddled up together on porch swing exchanging pictures of the beautiful falling rain, that's gonna wash the shit off that guys ass!!!

                  Enuff said, no need to reply to that. You hit the nail on the head.


                    Cotton, anyone's life is vastly different if they are single or married with children. Duh.


                      Fellas...What are you gonna do about it? Go find Mother Nature and kill her? You can not control it so don't let it control you. Be happy. Shit happens. Roll with the punches. All the hyperboles are so true in life.

                      I know it is our livelihoods at stake. Our families livelihoods at stake. Who, what or how does it help being bitchy, cranky, depressed, etc etc etc? Be happy with what you got. Love your family. Work with what you have. If you are a strong enough man everyone will notice it. You will make it. What doesn;t kill you makes you stronger. Have fun with the kids. They aren't happy when you aren't. That's not fair to them. Go take your wife out for a nice supper. Its rain here for a week straight. Great chance to show people how much you care about them when its not normally the time of year. Wants some more cliches? They are pertain to our situations and they are all very true. You won't realize it today but these are the times your true colors show.

                      SASKFARMER3 - Damn near my favorite poster here. Honest, blunt, right to the point. You are 100% correct. This is a great place to bitch and vent...Where would everyone else rather do it? Have their wife/mother/father/son have to listen to it? Keep doing what you are doing. If people don't like it then **** them I say.

                      Christian - Awesome to have you aboard. CF, Ag Talk. You are a very valuable, helpful, informative poster.


                        ...And **** maybe I live in LA LA land but **** I am happy. I am fortunate. I have 6500 acres. Pretty decent crop. 7 inches of rain in the last week. Some wheat on the ground, Lentil shelling, green canola. Still raining. Family that I love....They say they don't mind me. Friends who are they for me. Thats why I am happy. Don't get a crop? Well I have a lot more valuable things that I do have.


                          This is an interesting discussion, a great topic, but frustrating as hell. I sometimes struggle to to read all the negativity on here,in order to find the good information. Plus from reading, it sounds like some people have built up quite a bit of wealth from the very thing they are always complaining about.
                          As a young person, it is very frustrating hearing the negativity in agriculture (not just here). You have a couple positive people on here, and they get shot at for, "How dare they have a positive attitude!" I really wonder how such negativity affects peoples' ability to make plans and manage their business properly? How can you find an opportunity to improve your business when all you see is doom and gloom?
                          If people really feel that things are so terrible, farmers are all a bunch of dummies for doing this, we are always going to be screwed because we have no power....so why are you wasting your time doing this??.......then these same people have the nerve to point at everyone else, and say it is everybody elses fault for the position they are in. I guess all I can do is laugh, or else I will blow a gasket. Anyway, to me this is the mystery of agriculture lol



                            Lets be realistic there are two types of farmers on here ones who are used to making good money and supporting a family and ones who basically have nothing to lose, like you. I don't mean to be demeaning but that's the reality. 5 years ago i was in your position now i have lots to lose, guess what I'm not whining cause i got one frick of a good crop but if i didn't i sure as hell would be.

                            If you are happy to have shitty crops three years in a row there is something wrong with you. What are you going to say next year when its 4 in a row "oh well be happy i can go to the oil patch" I guess you aren't a farmer then you are a hobby farmer who derives most or all of his income from other sources.

                            guys who are whining on here are tied to their farm there is no way they could just frick off for a winter, just doesn't work when you have a big farm. Its like any other business does a grain company just close their doors for a few months cause they are having a lean year i don't think so.


                              And one more thing I think the gov should only support farmers who have shown they can make money farming. That how agristability works. Have a good history, then a bad year, bang... you get a pmt.

                              Have 5 shitty years in a row guess what you either have extremely bad luck or you are a shitty farmer either way you get no money. Enough of this ad hok 30$ bullshit. In our area the only guys getting the 30 bucks are dog Fu&*ers



                                I really have nothing more to say to you, other than people like you are the problem with Canadian agriculture. Rude, brash. and your comments are quite silly.


                                I realize that most of what you post on here is to get a rise out of others... I trust you are not like this in real life, or your neighbours would have hung you already. LOL! Hope your day swathing went better than yesterday. Politicos don't read boards like this - they know what gets posted without reading it. However, people from cities do read this... we are in the business of producing food. We need consumers to buy what we produce. We need their support to get traction in Ottawa. Do you want to know how to get things done? Get the mass-populace behind you. It does not matter how much you whine, complain, beat your chest, etc. We as farmers are a minority. We live in a country ruled by the majority. Figure that out... it doesn't take an IQ of 140.
                                Also, just one quick note on your comment about living in a "free" country. Argentina is older, and is a constitutional democracy much like Canada. It was peaceful until Communists rose and began to cause turbulence, they infiltrated all levels of government, and that led to the flare ups, civil unrest, etc. How do you know that we don't have Muslim terrorist cells infiltrating Canada? We have an economy that runs on fake money (paper with no backing). We have terrorist elements operating already - remember the plot to behead the Prime Minister? Many here will not realize the pattern - Those of us who have seen other lands. Have been to other countries. We see these warning signs. I can guarantee you that if it is needed I'll be first in line to join the military to defend this country that I love. Will you? Or will you be sitting at your computer and bitching about it? Finally, I'm not saying, nor ever said I'm better than anyone else, or work harder than anyone else. I believe it was you who came to the conclusion that us young guys think what you have came from thin air... perhaps some do, but I don't.

                                Now, cottonpicken,

                                I was actually reading all day... was in town doing some errands but always have my iPhone on me... And also was debating weather to answer you. Your reply, quite frankly, is so ridiculous that it honestly shouldn't get a reply. However, I do see that others that do not farm read this forum, and the negative light your post bathed all farmers in should be corrected. I'll de-construct your post.

                                Before I do that, though, I'll invite you to read both your own replies in this thread and those of riders2010 - and compare them to gregpet, saskcanfarmer, Cattleman, and my own.

                                I would hope you notice a difference - our side of this debate is respectful, uses proper grammar, proper English, and we are articulating our ideas. Your side is using brash comments, jumping to conclusions, and being arrogant. If we are in a public debate, where the general populace should decide weather they support your side or ours, who do you think they would support? The way you conduct yourselves online reflects poorly on all of us. It also does not gain us public support - which we need - for instance, to get rid of the CWB.

                                Ok, now back to post deconstruction

                                <em>Gps-military technology nuf said</em>

                                Very good point. The Global Positioning System was first designed by the US military to provide precision location data on the battlefield. At roughly the same time, the Russians began developing GLONASS. However, the first companies to introduce GPS to agriculture were Trimble and AgLeader. Both American. The first adoptees of this new technology were Americans... Not Canadians.

                                <em>Argentina grainbag technology-mickey mouse crap
                                equipment that the local work in shop can sorters
                                could build better.I know i own an extractor and
                                bagger that came from there.It took us dumb
                                western canadian farmers to start building
                                something that works. </em>

                                If this is true, why didn't you, or any other Canadian come up with a grainbag? Argentina's been using it for over a decade. Both the extractors and the baggers (talking about the AKRON) work well provided they are operated on solid, level concrete pads, which is exactly the environment they are used in.

                                <em>And if you feel like giving me an answer as to how
                                one man combines and bags 50,000 bushels of
                                oats without the bags being in the fields,i'm all
                                This is not the purpose of grain bags. They were designed to bag high moisture grain, to buy time to dry it... and for additional storage when waiting on ships. They are not an in-field storage solution... that was a Canadian brainchild. Putting a 2.5mil poly bag on the ground, where it's rough and sharp is not a good idea in the first place. We have temp. grain rings, or haul it home. This point is like me saying my Laptop can't render 3d vector graphics. It's not the laptop vendor's fault... it was not designed to do that.

                                <em>Western Canada is the worlds epicenter of farming
                                technology,its almost to obvious to argue,how many
                                months did it take for us to gear up and conquer
                                lentil,mustard,canary,flax etc,etc, </em>

                                Would that be the flax market that we lost because some producer with no regard for our customers destroyed because he kept GMO seed - which we know our buyers won't accept? How did we try to fix this? By introducing and passing a resolution in KAP to boycott EU goods until they buy our flax. Am I the only one who sees that as counter productive?

                                Look at our current situation with canaryseed. Again, we are not catering to our export markets. Now, you may see this all as protectionism, etc... It may be, but why are we giving them the ammunition to shoot us with? Right now, Argentina producers are planning to plant almost half a million acres of canaryseed... Do you think Mexico will be coming back to us?

                                Farming technology? Are you joking? Have you ever actually seen what is operating in fields in the Midwest... or in Europe? We are now discovering that we should be seeding between the rows. That's been happening in other countries for over a decade. Look at what Vaderstaad has done with Seedmasters in Australia... Our mainlines are all American. Russians are now building Versatile. How can you possibly make that argument?

                                <em>If farmers want to come on here and vent and here
                                similar stories from other farmers going through
                                tough times so that they can feel some piece of
                                mind that they are not the only ones suffering,who
                                the **** are you to say-you should have saved
                                more money-you shouldnt have so much debt-you
                                should be happy cause your so lucky to be farming
                                and not living in bum****istan-what about the
                                government programs,bla,bla,bla </em>

                                Whining is one thing... but every thread on here is depressive. Look at NAT or TCF... do you see that same attitude? No. As far as the "bum****istan" comment... that's rude and disrespectful. Exactly the kind of attitude that gets us in trouble with our trading partners. For your information, I am not using AgriStability. I have 70% crop insurance coverage on all crops and use AgriInvest. That's it (and the $30/ac this year).

                                <em>Goto the top and re-read everything and tell me
                                you were not the one who started this. </em>

                                Did I start the discussion? Indeed, I did. Did I start the namecalling? no. I did not... I simply said one should count their blessings even in bad times... not everything is bad and it can always be worse.

                                <em>And trust me on this one-farming and being single
                                is vastly different than farming and being married
                                with children </em>

                                Oh, for sure... I wish I was married... but all in due time I guess. I simply stated that I have people to support. My parents weren't rich when they came to Canada... they don't have foreign pensions. They have OAS and I have to provide the rest... I bought my Dad out when my parents divorced. Nothing was ever given to me... no "free ride". No "inheritance".

                                Well, that's enough for tonight I'm going to bed, and then will load hay bales tomorrow.

                                Have a great night everyone!


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