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Hows your "F - - KING" Day going!

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    Willy, 18 inches is very dry indeed. Heck that is less than our normal yearly precip. We have had over 40. On land that was saturated in the spring. Does that sound wet to you? 18 inches we'd be laughing. We got almost 18 in August alone. My point is that your year this year is practically typical for us. What you fail to understand is there is no chance to get any dryer here anymore, so either you try to get it off, or you leave it for next spring, summer or fall, whichever season lets us back on the land.Its not like the water is still soaking in, or that it will dry out without massive tillage and sun.


      I like your humour, breadwinner.

      Any time after freeze up on the mower, providing you do not fill the gearboxes with water while running through your dugouts!!!!!!

      Let's see. A convection current of 39 degree water and 32 degee water ....., likely longer than it will take for your area to have its first blanket of deep snow. You're hooped - time to hibernate, and I believe you know it!!

      I also had a pretty good day. I was out most of the sunny afternoon mowing lettuce swamp weed. You have to allow it to get away in order for it to suck up all the pothole water in a 25" area. 50", not going to work! The alternative would have been sprayer ruts that would still be filled with water, but that void of vegatation ground sure would have been fun to circle seed. It is now sprayed, mowed, and will be growing winter wheat shortly.

      As for the riders, they deserved to have the hot water shut off in their dressing room, and being provided with moldy damp towels.


        Riders2010, I don't think your accountant nor you understand Agristability. Any farm with 200 margin, the best you could receive is 65% of that number (assuming participates in crop insurance and doesn't have a negative margin in 2010). The balance is the portion of the loss that the farm will have to absorb. Know your facts before you flap...then again, maybe you should just keep quiet about this area.

        As far as you feeling of a secret deal with Big Sky, well obvious you and the other farmers you have insulted by called them stupid never had any grain in the pit when they went down.

        Any farm with grain that was not paid at the time of bankruptcy protection received a portion through the cash settlement and a letter with an option to deliver grain a specific quantity in the future with a premium (I think it was 50c per bushel) added to make up the amount lost.

        We agreed to deliver the additional grain and will be compensated as per the agreement.


          In the areas with lentils there are margins greater than 200, and if you don't have crop insurance you get your margin right, less this and that but not to 65%, your making up a situation to fit your argument, your the one that is trying to show how smart you are and when the facts show up in the equation what we know then is if you didn't know what you claimed you'd be a moron not to. Kinda like make sure you claim your personal fuel as such remember that earth shatterring revelation, it's illegal not to isn't it?
          There you go Jdgreen the big sweet deal, bet you didn't know that, did ya? I think if I asked my 99 year old grandma she would know that one. What the hell were you so afraid to say that at the time it was discussed? Were you one of the government insider shareholders that pulled the money out before bankruptcy was declared, the grain is just a smoke-screen maybe?

          But once more a GREAT BIG THANK YOU for posting, your saying what most of us know, the ones with smaller margins that's it your SOL. But now you've confirmed to those that are believing the RITZ comments that it will work is a myth.

          Tell everyone here who is the LIAR you or RITZ because either the program is gonna pay or it isn't, because crop insurance alone isn't gonna cut it. That myth was the only thing keeping the political balls hanging as soon as the harvest is officially done for this fall look out!


            And by the way oh thou great brilliant one. The only reason they offerred the 50 cents was because there wasn't a farmer in the country that would have sold a kernal to them otherwise. That 50cents is gonna be paid out of their agristability cheque from not paying everyone in the first place did you follow that so taxpayers are on the hook for their bull!


              Why the heck don't you just phone your accountant for your response instead of making us wait while you run back and forth to his house to get your answers? Maybe install a phone in your washroom and you can kill 2 birds, he'll tell you how to do that job and get a response to the questions as well, now there would be some efficiency added to your farm maybe he can calculate that one out for agristability. I gotta go do some fixing.


                Rider2010 (AKA Skhadenuf), for your information, I have been busy moving our 2009 crop around and "properly managing" our farm. I refuse to click email notification so that my blackberry gets filled with useless reply's from you! I don't phone my accountant for any of my posts, I understand the program. You seem to have all the time in the world for coffee, posting on this site and a quote from someone else on this topic, dog___.

                If you bothered to read any of my posts, I have expressed all along that your payment claim amount is never going to be more than approx 65% of your reference margin in real cash. The higher the margin the better but you need at least $140 in gross margin to keep your farm from losing money overall. $140 gives you about $90 to cover the non eligble costs.

                As far as the fuel comment, that's a small item in the differences between all farms. Our farm ran 12.48/acre last year, not bad with not all acres being one pass. Where's yours, and I'll bet some of the operations run over $20 because of size and "other reasons". Your farm probably has never demonstrated profitability, like it or not. You rant and rave pointing fingers at everyone else about your problems. I am sure that really helps your situation!

                No matter what political party, no matter what program, no matter what you try, you won't be happy. Your attitude sucks which negatively influences your management skills, you obviously farm in an area in which the land must be the shits as well. You have no intentions in trying and blame it on 4 years of flooding, the current goverment in power and whatever sad excuse you can find. At least others with similar circumstances can debate contructively.

                If it was a year from now, your Agristability application was filed and you have your estimated payment calculations in hand, and it was zero like you claim, I can understand your devoted rant. Not everyone knows how this year is going to turn out in the end until it has actually happened.

                Your fetish about Big Sky and allegations of share ownership, wow, good one! We have hauled tons of grain to Big Sky over the years, why wouldn't we sign the deal to deliver more grain instead of taking the hit. I will support them as long as they are in operation. Is it a good thing they went down? Of course not, but there is nothing that can be done. They way you complain, you will be next, how many people will you be "screwing"

                As far as Agristability, imagine one farm, one reference margin with a huge flat unprofitable 10 year history, capped per entity - yeah, they are going to get a real large pmt - Not!. The best the company could hope for is that they participated in the moth ball program and cleaned out a number of facilities.


                  Some people think this guy is the best.
                  I think hes good.
                  This song is real good.
                  Time to start praying for sun.



                    Are we at a hundred yet?


                      Not yet?......


                        Oh for god sakes somebody push us over the edge.


                          Well I will, just tried canola today, 13.8, may be under 12 tomorow - if so it's commin off. Got done the first 300ac w/wht today. No rain but the forcast is all over the map - on the crappy side.


                            HIT A NERVE AGAIN! Yah Baby aha aha that's the way I like it!
                            I'll keep it simple for you!
                            Go back read your posts or have your weiner accountant read it to you.

                            How many posts did you brag oh my 160 margin we'll be alright.

                            Then on other posts gee there really isn't much out of 160 margin.

                            Well guess what are you lieing now or before or do you know anymore, or is Ritz lieing because I think I now know who is writing his speaking points because it's just as screwed up as you are.

                            Jdgreen asked you as well what your secret sweet deal was, why did he do that? BECAUSE that is what you said, holy crap! And then the sweet deal turns out is a deal everyone else has? are you kiddin!

                            Side by side managin or otherwise I'd kick your ass farm to farm any day everyday your a pencil pusher, bookboy can't wait till you flop and you will.
                            All that land that the bank foreclosed on for a song, connections in fcc and acs and stole that land too, no one else got a chance to bid, sound familiar?


                              Hit a nerve, its obviously the other way around...

                              I suggest you read "your" comments again. All I ever claimed is you need a minimum of $140. We are a lot higher than that.

                              If you didn't take the sweet deal, that's your fault. Don't spout off claiming farmers lost millions. You had a choice.

                              We don't need to hear about your ability to steal land and your huge debt with FCC and ACS.

                              Our farm has no debt, we have never dealt with FCC or ACS. Not sure why you continue making shit up.

                              Your "phone call" to the manager at LD will lead no where. Ever think that maybe I was driving for someone else that day?

                              Hands down, our farm has beaten yours and you will never catch us. You claim you have been flooded out 3 years in a row. (maybe you only farm 2 quarters around fishing lake and they are now under water) This is the first year we have experienced this.

                              We have existed over a 100 years and will continue for at least another generation. You will most likely not, especially if you don't change your attitude.

                              Thinking the government is going to come to your rescue is a false belief. Why do you think I don't bother to take time off to vote. I feel sorry for you and your family, and God help those that have to sit across from you at coffee row!


                                There once was a fella that had privy to foreclosures on farmers then took the land for a song, connections with acs and fcc got him alot of land for a song most with no competitive bids, this is not about me man oh man! I don't deal with acs or fcc at all.

                                I never sold one bushel to that hog barn, just talking about neighbor that went broke because of it and helping jdgreen get some answers to the "sweet" deal.

                                Seen more than a few like you that had good weather and grew crops everything lovely but when the shit comes and it's started for you, still not even close to other areas, but it's started, they're gone in a flash.

                                I really thank you because instead of a few looking up this site there are actually quite a few that get a kick out of it, but the fire that is started not on here gets bigger, but it helps as I said when the harvest is done we'll see what's gonna take place.

                                Let's see cwb takes a year and a half for your money
                                Agrivation takes a year and a half if you are lucky, some guys waiting for 5 years for settlement

                                cwb won't send you a bill from 5 years past
                                agrivation sends people on a daily basis bills from any year up to 5 years.

                                cwb run by people that don't understand the farm situation.
                                agrivation same thing only people there not only don't know their job but some rude also.

                                The message is simple the program will work possibly for some that had good crops like you and you shouldn't need the money I agree so does klause and others.

                                For us that had weather disasters in the past no margin, we are screwed, go ahead enjoy thinking about that, it just shows and I promised not to swear any more but one more time you're an asshole to think that of us low lifes that had that happen to us. Feel better?

                                The wild card is the crop, there are those with no margin that seeded and had a crop so weren't too worried about the program but now with the weather reality is setting in and that is where the fire is gonna take off or quit. We'll see

                                The factor that determines your income most is weather, we need something that deals with that problem first not a program that supports those that have good weather, it's bananas!

                                Someone mentioned about suport for other industries can't remember who, think again there are billions not a few millions going to all those industries tax breaks, startup grants, employment subsidies, just doesn't get published by politicians and used as a tool by them.


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