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A photo that tells all

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    A photo that tells all

    mg src="http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs318.ash2/59852_10150094908249689_747004688_7059467_1430321_ n.jpg"/>

    Your autosteering is wandering a little.


      your photo tells a lot, but it doesn't tell all. What are we looking at, is that a canola field your trying to swath or is that unseeded land your spraying or trying to burn off with fire???
      BWT, thanks for posting the pics.


        OK , I read your other post. What a mess, guess your not trying to catch any snow. Does it burn off better than what was shown?


          Great photo! Shit wont even burn.


            It's a hay field that we picked up... was
            too wet to seed, so put on 540g / ac of
            gly in August.. Those ruts are nearly a
            foot deep... which is also why they are

            The fire only took the top 6" or so off...
            some spots didn't burn but it's better
            than it was... get some sun down to the
            ground so it'll hopefully dry out.


              This place would be way better with more photos.


                Yah how about 3 or 4 good looking blondes mud wrestling in someone's hay field, all right everyone 2 hands on the wheel!


                  Hey I was just thinking if you don't want to rent that next year I'm in just think of the advantages if there is a drought next year I could fill the sprayer from the ruts, There is probably a line up to rent a field like that let's start the bidding!


                    I'll bid soon as I get the image of the blonde wrestlers out of my head....on second thought maybe I'll think on it a while..lol


                      Ya I know what you mean, should have got them out of my head before I drove into my newly created swamp and buried the four wheel drive. Oh well I'll just try to imagine it's them pulling the tow rope out to me but shit it's only the ugly hired man.......But he keeps asking me why I am smiling when we're so stuck.


                        Is this $1000/ acre land?


                          Are you asking with the blondes or without? Right now the only thing worth a second look are the blondes!!!lol


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