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Left-wing radicals/ Stewart Wells & CWB

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    Left-wing radicals/ Stewart Wells & CWB

    Does anyone know anything about this left-wing radical that is running for the director of the CWB? God we're going downhill in one hell of a hurry if this nutcase ever gets in! I'd appreciate to read his biography.


    Is this a serious post?


      He is so left wing the russians would kick him out of the their country.


        He is a left wing extremist on steroids, this clown
        would be devastating to any business. Organic farmer
        exempt from the monopoly, but wants YOU to remain
        in the monopoly. Castro just did an interview saying
        Communism DOES NOT WORK, wonder if the NFU and
        Wayne Easter got that memo.


          It's a sad period of time in western agriculture if that idiot can find 25 actual and legitimate farmers to sign his nomination papers. If he does those names should be made public so we can flog'em all at high noon.


            Im sure he will represent all farmers oppinions in his district with no bias. If he gets elected I will never grow another board crop until the CWB is gone. This is insanity PLEASE RITZ put a fork in this dead institution before it drags us all under.



              I do not get it!

              Ralph Goodale is the problem!

              Wells is simply taking cues from the ND's and Liberals.

              Your energy is misplaced and Stew is no worse... at all than Korniechuck or Chairman ALAN. Stewie is related to Hill... this should be no surprise!

              SO... how does the real problem... WARD, Ralph, and Iggy get off without blame/responsibility... and the NFU made this problem?

              WRONG. REAL Sask FARMERS that vote...are the problem!



                google him

                stewart wells Canadian Agriculture
                http://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&rlz=1T4ACAW_enCA312CA312&&sa=X&ei=5D2 KTKiuKIuNnQfEmKzACw&ved=0CBYQBSgA&q=stewart wells %2B Canadian Agriculture&spell=1

                look to the left fringe of any Agricultural policy, He'll be there.

                Look to see any thing that wants to turn Agriculture world wide back 50 years. He'll be there.

                Look to see who is defending the monopoly at all costs. He'll be there.

                Look to who will fill the directors chair in district three, if farmers don't actively work to get someone better elected.

                I'm all for having some balance in the room but, the NFU already has representation in Goeff, Kornechuck, Toews, Olberg, Woods.
                I don't know about Flamen or Nicholson but they definitely follow their lead.

                Point being NFU is organized, and because the Feds didn't change the rules to more accurately represent real farmers. Expect more of the same.

                I can already hear Ignatieff and Goodale "Farmers have spoken, it's up to farmers to decide the fate of the CWB"


                  Farmers are the ones that want to get out from under the CWB, it is the ones that arn't the farmers that vote to keep it. It is the voting list that is all screwed up, we have put the power in the hands of people (landlords, share cropers, hobby farms, retired old farts, and anyone else that really wants to vote, even if you drive by a wheat crop)that shouldnt even get a say. Thanks Ralph you are a useless MP in my mind and you dont speak a behalf of me!


                    I think that Mr. WELLS will win the directorship. Contrary to the radicals on this site. Mr. WELLS actually knows what he is talking about and knows what Comedian farmers are up against. Go Stuart, go!!!!


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