If he wins - will he be willing to let all farmers have the same buybacks as he gets?
I like fairness and equality for all, not "do as I say, not as I do" attitude.
Stewie has a pretty sweet deal with the cwb, good buybacks, paid for being a mouthpiece for friends of the cwb,etc.
If he had any clout at all the things he rallies for would be solved by now. Such as freight rates, outrageous elevation charges etc.
He is going in there for a paycheck and taking care of his interests only. Self serving.
I like fairness and equality for all, not "do as I say, not as I do" attitude.
Stewie has a pretty sweet deal with the cwb, good buybacks, paid for being a mouthpiece for friends of the cwb,etc.
If he had any clout at all the things he rallies for would be solved by now. Such as freight rates, outrageous elevation charges etc.
He is going in there for a paycheck and taking care of his interests only. Self serving.