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Local Terminal Turning Back Trucks with Deer Poop.

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    Local Terminal Turning Back Trucks with Deer Poop.

    Since its raining have heard that just about every single neighbor who has been delivering to one local terminal has had at least one or two loads turned back because of Deer feces. They then deliver to Cupar or Balgonie same load and have no problems, Just a heads up.

    Which grain? Been in swath long?


      Thanks for heads up.

      Note to self: "Don't eat food that may have originated in Cupar or Balgonie" It may have been soaked in urine and feces.


        Neighbor took some peas to a terminal north of Tisdale they climbed up saw 2 pieces of deer poop told the trucker they can't accept it. Trucker knew of some he hauled the other day to a place west and south that chunks were in the sample and they took it so he called the farmer rearanged and took the load there. Point is any crop flat on the ground or swathed is likely gonna have at least some, I know they charge for cleaning so do they not clean it or what, and up the process level do they not clean it further, pea soup can in the closet is gonna likely get some dust on it until I forget this story or am real hungry with nothing else available lol.


          Strange as it may seem I have seen deerand goose turds in straight cut peas and barley! The truly ridiculous part is zero tolerance for this. If we get charged for cleaning grain to export standards one would think that deer turds would be cleaned out, but we all know that the cleaning charge is a farce because the grain is never cleaned or if it is the screenings are added back in to the tolerance levels thus the zero tolerance policy. JMO


            Crop ins under wildlife damage program pays 100% for cleaning. Just besure to talk to them before combining. If you have contamination in what you have harvested it will be in the rest too.

            I am thinking of getting them out to look at everything. Then selling everything comercially clean at thier expense. I have had deer problems for years and tired of it.


              Yes that is a good component of the wildlife program but the question is why is that an issue for us to go through that time and work if we get charged cleaning expense when we sell it. am I missing something?


                All our grain is cleaned to commecially clean, export standards either locally or at port. However not all sales are sold that way. Some customers actually pay for or want dockage to be added back in. Also the grain companies sell dockage into animal food, they don't want to feed feces to animals either. There is no way of separating deer feces from other dockage of same size and shape so it would contaminate the whole bin of blendable dockage and get back into food source.

                Cleaning before shipping would save frieght charges, we would get more real product in car and if wildlife paid for cleaning we would save cleaning charges. Plus there is a chance that we could clean for grade improvement at same time.


                  Anouther thing is: Dockage is not sorted into specific type of animal feed. Since one way Cronic Wasting Desease is passed on is through feces if it were to be in feed that got into say sheep feed it could start an outbreak of CWD in the herd it was fed to. CWD is rampit in our wild deer population and there is no way of telling if one piece is contaminated or not, the only way is to keep it all out of system. Hence human and animal safety issue.

                  As you can tell I don't believe it should be delivered into the system whether one elevator takes it or not. Remember if it is traced back to your load you will be held responsable and then all this rain would feel like a sunny sunday afternoon. Food for thought before you deliver it. There is someone willing to pay for cleaning it, go for it.


                    Devils advocate..... If we won't accept a few lumps in our fertilizer, or a few scratches on a bin after a long ride from Manufacturer, why should there be a problem rejecting edible items with poop in it? Or at least a discount displayed on the weigh ticket. Should that then be proof to put in a claim to Crop Insurance for Wildlife damage? I would think so.


                      For what it is worth, sometimes the issue on deer poop isn't volume but
                      rather presense.

                      From a previous life, I remember a year of over wintered grain/deer
                      poop. Feed barley went into ships that met specifications. Over the time
                      at sea, deer poop (lighter than grain) floated to the top of the hold in the
                      ship. So the first thing a buyer saw when they cracked holds at their port
                      was a layer of deer poop. Not the end of the world but still visible and a
                      reason for the buyer to complain.

                      Perhaps a result of this experience is the reason to match what you have
                      in the bin with customers. Feed grain with some level of deer poop -
                      best in the domestic market. Stuff loaded at port for export. No deer
                      crap - can have light weight and other issues but again no deer crap.

                      Only other comment is that once deer crap (pardon me poop) gets into an
                      elevator and terminal, it starts to appear everywhere unless you are
                      extremely good on keeping things like bins/legs clean.


                        Monday AM call going into crop ins. to let them know that grain is flat on ground and deer out and about, the risk is there for contamination and they can do what they want but I'm going to harvest as soon as it is go time. We will be running in the ground and may pick up contamination into tank.

                        I found a fresh dead deer in middle of pea field last week when combining I am sure there is feces around too.


                          wmoebis...with every industry on a Just in Time basis because of tight margins, why does our industry clean all grain either at port or terminal, AT THE COST TO THE FARMER, and then get sold clean or with dockage added back in AT THE BENEFIT TO THE GRAIN COMPANY. Sounds like our system needs a little fixing or are we over regulated?


                            One more thing...why is our freight rate still charged on gross tonnes and not the net? I challenged a company on this and they said "because not everything is cleaned at the terminal". I guess this is another thing that has to be fixed in our regulated system.


                              I think crop insurance should cover more than just the cleaning costs also it's a major pain in the butt to do all of this, we do not have a cleaner near by, truck it there and back. Agree with choice2u billing for cleaning at sale time needs to be straightenned out if I clean it not my problem or my additional cost to clean again, if they want to add garbage to it that is the next guys problem buying it, it's not mine.


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