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General Frost

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    General Frost

    I see Alberta is getting hit in a general area now with
    light to killing frost. Sask is looking like all week could
    be hit a couple times and some parts of Manitoba this
    week also. What damage do you guys expect. Our
    Soybeans are not quite frost tolerant yet, lots of green
    out there, how about your crops.

    will it freeze under water??


      Frost is not MY major concern, it's SPRING RUNOFF all over my fields. Harvest is impossible anyway. Just put us out of our misery already 2010!


        I thought it only freezes when there is a full moon. We should be good until the 23rd. ( I am being sarcastic )


          We're wet here... but I think most fields will support wide-tired equipment... I'll put that to the test later this afternoon maybe. A frost right now would only damage canola that was seeded in July and is still flowering... almost everything else is in the swath, and has been there for 5 - 10 days at least. Wheat is all ripe and waiting to be combined... maybe a frost will kill the sprouts on it.


            Looks like only General Hand Grenade who's only a killer when it's close will visit this area.


              Does it really matter??? Most of our crops will be harvested or burnt in the spring anyway...



                The volume is made... it is quality that will be hurt if we get frost.

                So far we get to 1 or 0 and it has not got too negative in typical eastern Alberta.

                Red Deer etc. has had frost... but this is not unexpected being they have higher elevation shortening the frost free days on average.


                  It's the middle of September, we're two weeks in the good for a frost free fall. Pretty fortunate I would say.


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