Fjlip, appears you are in a C&D area. If so the C&D should be allowed to clean out the licenced ditch. Maybe for some reason the govt will not let you. Anyway, a track hoe can go anywhere, 15yrs ago we had them up to the floorboards in mud (rentals are good for that).
Just a note, SaskWater is not the crown responsible for C&Ds and water control projects, it is the responsibilty of The Saskatchewan Watershed Authority.
Maybe you need to use the Watershed Authority's Channel Clearing or Minor Channel Improvement Policys. I have been away from that side of things for 15 years.
Just trying to help!!!!
Just a note, SaskWater is not the crown responsible for C&Ds and water control projects, it is the responsibilty of The Saskatchewan Watershed Authority.
Maybe you need to use the Watershed Authority's Channel Clearing or Minor Channel Improvement Policys. I have been away from that side of things for 15 years.
Just trying to help!!!!