I was going to say, balls to the wall 1000ac/week/machine. A guy should be able to combine that shitty canola at 6-7mph, 30 ft at a time. 14 days would get us pretty close to 80%. Farmin' ain't easy.
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As for myself with only 60 percent planted and mostly shitty canola I cannot imagine not getting it off even if I only have 1680s. That and the peas we should be able to fly at 6.5 miles per hour I think that is max in second gear without going into road gear. Wheat will be a different story gonna wish I had a bigger machine. But I planted 60 percent, must get that off. The summerfallow is what scares me the most for next year. Actually narrow tires on the sprayer must come off now any desicating will have to be done with wide tires. Best thing is everyone here would get done early so that we can let some water the hell loose.
I mean to say is if everyone here could get done early then we can let some water fly. That is the only way we are going to have a chance at planting this fallow.
At the beginning of sept., I thought it was possible to finish in Sept., not now. At least the first propane fill was cheap.
Right on Dog patch. My dad always said he thrashed more wheat in Nov. than he ever did in Aug. Most was done in Sept/Oct tho. I remember lots of guys going to school for first two weeks of Sept then taking a month off for harvest. So we're a couple weeks late this year.
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