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Malt Barley Availability

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    you're filling a feed contract with last
    year's malt?? that is a bit short-sighted
    in my view.



      Ain't got no choice, a contract is a contract, is a contract. Short sighted as it may be. Gotta sell. Grain company reaping the benefit. This sh-t always goes on in malt. Whinning and sniveling is the only recourse that the Comedian farmer has......


        Wrong burbs, Not this fall but what are the specs perhaps its because the grain is a malt variety but not malt quality (14 plus protein or just plain crap no germ something else) However if it is decent barley maybe you haven't thought it out, who's the contract with? will you have feed soon ? ( we all will after tonight or last night) Whats the specs on the barley ,recent germ, variety, plump protein that you are delivering maybe I can ask I have a friend who is pretty good at the malt game and if you know your specs and variety I will ask him what your options are. This isn't a normal fall so don't assume the normal rules are in place. Heck they might be malting Conlon again before this is over (lol)


          oh and tonnage too, if's its 700 bushels maybe the normal rules do apply if its 3 or four or 20 b trains thats a different deal I should think.

          Let us know if you want to explore options or continue to prentend there aren't any in our system.


            Don't grow malt so not sure of how the system works so how do you negotiate with the maltster? I thought everything was negotiated via a sample through an elevator as I heard maltsters cannot deal directly with the farmer or has that changed back. Many years ago, my relatives dealt with a US maltster that used to come to his farm. I was told the CWB stopped that process. Excuse my ignorance!!!


              Back in the days when I used to grow malt you negotiate with the grain company you deliver to. Berbert demand that barley back, I take it you delivered and it got rejected, demand it back you back bone less farmer.


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