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Is anyone harvesting?

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    Is anyone harvesting?

    No harvesting going on here at Prelate, Sask. If it does not rain anymore we could be going by Friday. There is more rain forcast here for tonight and tomoro and more rain for next week on Monday and Tuesday.
    The way it is looking there won't be no harvesting going on here until late next week.
    How are things looking in your area?

    We are about 20 percent done and there is lots of farmers here who have not even started.

    We missed some of the big rains so we are not as bad off as lots of other areas but we have been getting lots of small showers the last 3 weeks.

    Exactly the same as you JAG except 30% done (90% tough). Waiting for the weather pattern to change.

    Anyone ever had wheat sprout standing?


      We started straight cutting oats, testing 17 - 18, were
      taking it as the weather looks like rain tomorrow night
      and then again on Monday. Had to spray oats as the
      tillers have all started to come on like a new crop. Very
      wet straw and field has lots of water lying underneath.


        No harvesting north of Edmonton for the last 2 weeks, constant mist, fog, showers cloud but no heavy rain. Peas are about half done very little of anything else combined from Red Deer to Westlock,the odd field of barley or wheat done but all being dried. In the late 70's' early 80's we had similar weather saw wheat sprouted and green down the center of swaths and wheat did sprout standing.


          Some harvesting standing barley not sure of moisture, not mine. Harvesting is slow as hearing of combines stuck all the time, semi stuck, big tractors stuck. I guess my job is putting cables on combines tomorrow.


            Very little done around here bit of peas and barley. Was trying to straight cut barley slow going stuck a couple of times. All you have to do is back up and down you go. Testing approximately 26%. Not too anxious to get too far ahead of the dryer. Hopper I would like to hear details on that cable installation.


              1.5 days of combining in the last 17 days, 11 of which had measurable precipitation. COOL!!! Water standing, under the cover of standing crop. There will be little joy harvesting the rest of this weathered crop(75-80%) still out, with high humidity and shorter cooler days as each week passes. Indian Summer will come, but it's usually just one week.


                We did 30 acres yesterday 22.9 on hrs. Dried it today. Stuck 8 times today desiccating hrs. Floaters are going on tomorrow and throwing off the pizza cutters. No one except the red army was doing peas yesterday. Otherwise sat will be two weeks.


                  Combining canola today..Tested 12.5...Going around lots of water..Stuck once...


                    The 2 cables, straps or chains from what I hear should be attatched to the frame where the big front tires are. come together under the rear axle and held up by something, they can stay there as your driving combining. Pulling is backwards and if back end is down you should get lift on back end of combine while pulling. Is there a better idea?


                      We did some canola today 11.5% mt. Some of the big guys with driers are doing wheat above 25%. Some peas done here in the few days, but overall very little going on. Showers started again here stopping things again.


                        Nothing happening around here been waiting all summer for the weather to change. Finished baling first cut hay on sept 4 and that was probably the the best as it had a 4 day window with no rain on it.


                          Nope, an hour on Monday while it was misting, two days last week, 6 hours the week before and two days the week before that. That makes a grand total of 4.5 days in the last 3.5 weeks.


                            Only thing combined here of the 10% seeded in the area is 60 acres of neighbors winter wheat out of a quarter. He got stuck 12 times with the combine, 7 with the grain cart. No peas done, nothing but that one third of a field of winter wheat. 5-10 bushel canola swathed by my home quarter, neighbor has a 20 bushel barley crop as well. Pathetic.

                            So no, other than the neigbor getting stuck nearly once every three acres on that winter wheat, nothing is ready, even if it were a dry weather pattern. Of course, with the pathetic amount seeded out here, it doesn't really matter anyway.

                            Wonder how the green Outlook-Kindersley durum and wheat will fare with -4 in the forecast?

                            Sounds like many of you are having a typical for us tough harvest. Good luck, be careful out there, and I must add, I am happy for those with some crop, and wish them the best.


                              Wheelers in Humboldt makes up the cable thingy for the combines..They have all parts, and measurements..Its $177.00...Done leave home with out one...Ours is being installed sat...


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