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Had to laugh at a Cargil FMR

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    Had to laugh at a Cargil FMR

    Cargil has been on the phone telling guys to lock in Canola now it's going to crash. This was just after they doubled their basis yesterday from 14 to 28 and telling guys the sky is about to fall. Realy - nice try idiot. Crushers are starting to panic and the price is going to crash???? Their spot price was $9.92 - down the road it was $10.15. Now today they are taking canola dry under 12mt, man they can make themselves look like fools. I wounder how many guys got trapped.

    the old saying among grain buyers - if farmers won't sell for 10 maybe they'll sell for 7. it usually works.


      You forget one thing the price of canola is set by the vegetable oil market
      and not by production in western Canada. From what I am hearing there
      is a super crop of soybean coming.

      Better to follow soybean market than canola production.


        Having a person working for Cargill Market your grain is like having Bernie Madoff guarding the vault!


          Even Better one furrow Viagra phoned and wanted us to deliver to help fill 100 car train sitting in Balgonie. Can deliver up to 12 moisture and get this price 9.80. These buggers are getting short and will try anything to get you to sell. Ps on them. They told every one its all good yet poor seed sales poor chemical sales etc. Hm maybe not the bin burner. Then the monsoons hit. Shit or get off the pot.


            I agree on the soybean thing - but when cars are empty, elevators are empty and the crushers are sweeping bins - canola will seperate from soy until widespread harvest happens, and that will not be for at least a week of two. JMO


              Friend in Iowa phoned and the Corn is the shits. OK when they talk the shits not 200 plus its 160 or less. Soy is not as perfect as the USDA is saying. Lots of SDS. Plants dying noticeable from road. I said you can have some of our water he laughed. He is heading north after his harvest to pick up some stuff. Here is something of interest. New JD flex header 30ft 38,000 cash in Iowa. 43 in ND and 47900 in Canada. Same header.


                Oh, BTW canola has gone up slightly every day since the cargil fmr tried to panic farmers into selling below $10. Showin their true colors - green with greed, lol.


                  These forums are great. I read newagtalk and that big soy crop is getting smaller every day. Sure there are pockets of big yields but overall the yield is going down not up.

                  Some graincos starting with R can't fill a pea train for next week so they bumped the price to 5.25. And I doubt they can fill the remainder with board grains.

                  Let them pay the demmurrage on a train or two then they will smarten up.


                    These forums work for guys who know the games these guys play. For guys that believe the reps and seed companies and elevators and experts grain companies love those guys.


                      What do you mean? Grain companies aren't trying to help me get the best price for my grain?


                        Apparently lying and cheating are the norm in Comedian farming! Wait a minute, I've heard that before, somewhere. Oh yeah it was me that said it, time and time again. Its like a loop running around in my head. Now others are findin it out to, so it must be the truth. Grain companies and railroads are the scum of the earth! The other day at Cargill, they called me "Sir" and said "Thank You" fer yor business. Suckin up to Comedian farmers somethin is up boys/girls, the Comedian crop is in trouble and they knows it...........


                          You are partly right, but still mostly wrong burbot. We still have a choice, to walk away if we don't like doing business with them. There is someone else always down the road - competion. With the CWB - no choice.


                            Cargill FMR guy called about 15 times in the past 3 days looking for canola.


                              Also they have no plan or intention at this time to deal with tough IMC.


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