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Had to laugh at a Cargil FMR

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    If the FMR called 15 times you would think that they had something to offer.


      The local "independent" stopped by the yard this morning trying to get me to book canola seed already. We havent even thought of trying to combine the stuff in the field and already with next year. I hate that.

      Anyway, I find out that the braintrust that is Monsanto decided to boost the TUA up by 4% in the bag. But I was not too worry - it will still cost me the same to plant and spray the RR crop next year, you see the price of Weathermax is down roughly the same amount as the TUA is up. Lucky me!

      Everyone wants there slice. I am getting really tired of this crap. In the end it seems no matter what we do, someone is out to screw us.


        Monsanto has also scrapped their "risk sharing" for next year.


          Does anyone know whether there are large supplies of conventional canola around??? I've had it to the point where I'm ready to start working some fields again and laying down Edge or Bonnaza or something, so as I can reuse my own seed, just to reduce the input risk.


            Or maybe brown bag an open pollenated RR. Whats the worst thing that could happen, they catch me and I pay the TUA anyway? If I got away with it for a couple years I would be ahead anyway.

            The independent didnt mention anything about Risk Share - so charge more and if things go bad and I dont use the technology I still pay for it because I could have used it. Probably cost them a bunch in the flooded areas this year - what a crock.

            He did mention that Dekalb was planning to phase out OP varieties. I wonder how many guys just brown bagged 3465 this spring. Probably lots - it would be harder for them to monitor with the system now.

            Its a nice system - fields are clean but I hate getting bent over every year. Did we pay less for a TUA when canola was $5 a bushel? Bayer is like $10 a pound now so they are just as bad so really there is no option anymore. Cheat the system or pay whatever they demand. Dam I wish these showers would quit so I could get out there and take some frustrations out on those 2 sections of barley staring at me every day.


              Just curious what an open pollinated RR canola is? From what I know, all RR are argentine varieties which are close pollinated. I assume you mean non hybrid.

              The only open pollinated canola I know are Polish. The reason that polish has not had the RR trait bred into the seed.


                The patent will come off in a few short years(im
                guessing 2015 ish),then their screwed.


                  All canola is open polinated. O.P. or hi-bred reffers to the breeding of the seed. O.P.'s simply aren't crossed whereas a hi-bred is a cross with only the female plants harvesteed for seed. A synthetic or composite is a cross with both the female and male plants present in the seed resulting in about 10% off type in the seeded crop. This year it looks like my OP Canterra 1818 is going to do as good as my high price Pioneer Hi-Bred D3151 with alot less straw to put through. Conventional is canola without any herbicide resistance traits, therefore no tech fee.


                    The patend for using glyphosate on a tolerant crop is up. There are another 15'ish years left on various process and genes that will prevent slow the process of new players in that market. But I have heard that Pioneer Hi-Bred is near having their own RR gene and that is why they (DuPont) have entered the glyphosate market.


                      Locked in a 13 under FOB farm with 110km truck ride for Sept delivery. They'll take it up to 12% if I can get if off soon.


                        A reason I would look at these offers considering all the factors (basis, storage, market for higher moisture, etc.) is to get higher moisture content moving as was suggested in the last thread. Think the market has potential to go higher. Buy the futures.


                          should get my terms right. Should be look at the bids. Offers are the price you would be willing to sell for.


                            Get your offers out there. Put some $11 plus targets out there.


                              Check this mornings prices!!!!


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