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got sprott?

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    got sprott?


    2 and 3 best performing mutual funds out of
    thousands out there.

    The bad news is this a real serious indication that
    wheels are falling off the economy.


      How is the investment in one earth farms doing?

      Or are they sitting this year out and collecting too wet to seed payments?


        How is the investment in one earth farms doing?

        Or are they sitting this year out and collecting too wet to seed payments?


          bucket, you smarty rascal, you must have opened some of the attachments on sedar. Pars


            Nope, but this rainy weather gives me lots to think about.

            Don't even know what sedar is/was/are.


              I am on dial up, so I don't research a whole lot takes too much time. Me big dummy.

              Parsley if you find something, could you just cut and paste it on a post here.thx.


                sedar is a website that lists ALL pertinent legal information...annual meeting notifications, financial sheets, warnings, etc. for every Canadian business that issues stocks/bonds etc. on the stock exchange.

                I am not allowed to copy or cut and paste information from the website. You can only do it yourself.

                www.sedar.com My best, Pars


                  25000 acres went unseeded and they expect those acres to be eligible for a claim to be determined - lets just say close to 2million dollars.


                    Parsley, I found the latest report to be rather

                    I was especially amused by the management fees
                    charged by non-farmers to run the farm. Annual
                    office space rent was interesting also. Quite a
                    different program than what we are used to in
                    Saskatchewan. Of course, it is pretty hard to
                    impress the unsophisticated investors when you
                    are pitching the farm investment sitting across
                    the kitchen table with a Grainnews and a box
                    empty Pilsner box in the porch.

                    I also expect a large inventory adjustment on the
                    seeded crop.

                    With the reserve land being some of the poorest
                    in the province, paragraph 2 on page 24 tells me
                    that this is where the Indians get screwed.

                    Many of us said it right when Sprott announced
                    this investment vehicle, "One Earth Farms is not
                    about farming".

                    Perhaps we can all learn from this. The smartest
                    guys in the room were the ones with their hand
                    out, not the ones with the land, minerals or


                      Snooping is good business. You may want to mouse your way around Viterra, or the old Agricore United, inland terminals, and don't forget biotech companies. You will find the gist of agreements made with the CWB. With the railroads.

                      Numbers often tell you more than you ever want to know. And they can also give you a heads up for the growing season.

                      You find out who is on taxpayer-grant welfare. Who jumps from company to company. Who is well managed. Who is up front and who is devious. How certain groups, and people, spiderweb. It's quite fascinating,

                      For me, some of the mining companies,.... well, I'm speechless. Pars


                        Yeah, I am a novice to the snooping that you are
                        referring too. I had a close encounter with the large
                        ponzi scheme out of Calgary during its infancy.
                        Since then I have been aware of the people trail. I
                        also try to read the Vancouver Sun's David Baines
                        articles. The mining industry is certainly filled with
                        colourful characters.

                        I haven't spent any time reading Viterra filings, but I
                        suppose most farmers haven't. It is quite amazing
                        that so few in the industry know so little about it's
                        history and it's workings.

                        I am friends with Ray Somerville and his family and
                        am shocked that so few of the farmers it that area
                        were even aware of his impact on grain marketing.
                        I guess that was a generation ago.

                        The sheep are fewer in numbers everyday though.


                          i made it a point to drive across the province to meet Ray and Myrtle a few years ago, and to shake his hand, and thank him. If it wasn't for Ray Somerville, farmers would still be refused a CWB license to ship their grain to a feedlot in another province.

                          He's short in stature, but by gosh, he must have a trophy set to sit through years of Wheat Board ordeal at the Supreme Court of Canada.

                          I'm not so sure if there are too many real men like him anymore. Give them my kindest regards next time you see them, will you?

                          I am so pleased to have met both of them. Pars


                            I have said from day one the whole farmeing side of one earth will be a complete and utter disaster, I will be right - they will get mother natuerd. But that has little to do with the big picture sprotts involved in.


                              I was fortunate to know Ray back in the day and
                              he was a confident, somewhat intimidating

                              I also was privy to first hand accounts of local
                              NDP/CPP farmers chasing Ray and some other
                              individuals as they trucked THEIR grain into
                              Alberta. Very interesting stories. Some of the
                              others ran afoul of the board shipping grain into
                              BC and faced fines. One individual told me he
                              would have liked to put up a better fight, but the
                              defense fund was limited. Hence the desire to get
                              market value for his grain.


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