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    One Earth Oil and Gas Inc. What could this be? Not all the revenue expected to come from ag?


      Sask government along with the Feds announces yesterday a new program call INROADS in Agriculture (I THINK) thats putting big money into training 1st Nations / Aboriginal members to become Agricultural workers. I wonder who the corporate benefactor will be under this program?


        Aboriginals trained for farming

        The StarPhoenix September 17, 2010

        A new agreement under the federal Aboriginal Skills and Employment Partnership is set to create 104 long-term job opportunities in Saskatchewan's and Alberta's agriculture industry.

        The $5-million partnership among the federal and provincial governments, One Earth Farms Corp., First Nations and training institutes was established to provide better inroads for aboriginals to enter the agriculture industry.

        It will also provide training opportunities for up to 130 aboriginal people through the new Inroads to Agriculture Institute. First Nations and Metis learners will receive training, certification and job placement through the institute.

        The institute will cover the costs of training, living allowance, counselling and mentorship services, and provide a wage subsidy during raining on an as-needed basis.

        The Saskatchewan government has committed just under $600,000 to the program, the federal government has offered more than $2 million, One Earth Farms will provide just under $1 million and other stakeholders, including First Nations, industry partners and training institutes, have committed nearly $1.5 million.

        Read more: http://www.thestarphoenix.com/business/Aboriginals trained farming/3537240/story.html#ixzz0zn9BRxoH


          How many of you hire people with no experience to
          work on your farm?

          Good way to get the taxpayer to pay for farm wages.
          It probably rains everyday on One Earth land.

          Any bets on the graduation rate?


            Like training a pig to fly, what a waste of tax payer money.


              How about thinking about agriculture in terms of eaters.

              What you grow is eaten by consumers. Eaters.

              You realize you have taxdollar financed competition as the new alternative. Make sure you grow what eaters will enthustiastically chew. They are the only way you can make a go of it.

              A million acre and growing farm, producing "sustainable food grown just for Canadians" plus training farmers and promoting healthiness....all paid for by the taxpayer .....can replace the rest of just a 'few piddly little farmers', (reduced to that status by good spinning.)

              Enthusiastic domestic eaters can be persuaded to buy yet another newly branded flour paid for with your tax dollars by a beaming government.

              There was a stone boat full of money right from Day #1, allotted for training. You just didn't read it. Pars


                This has nothing to do with farming. The mineral exploration is part of it, but the main driver in my opinion is that personal land ownership of reserve land is not far off in the future. I've seen it on alot of the local reserves were some of the band members are buying "title" to as much reserve land as they can get their hands on in preperation for the changes. Just another example of idians screwing indians and blaming it on "colonialism".


                  ado, good point.

                  But the bigger view comes from those eying up to sell:

                  1.fert for 1M acres
                  2. Seed for 1M acres
                  3. Spray for 1M acres
                  4. Specialist training contacts in perpetuity.
                  5. Gas for 1M acres, and oil cans, lol
                  6. Machinery and parts for 1M acres
                  7. New houses built and rebuilt and rebuilt for 1M acres
                  8. Quonsets for 1M acres
                  9. Road building for 1M acres
                  10 Dugout construction for 1M acres
                  11. Farm trucks for 1M acres

                  and on and on

                  and don't forget
                  12. Votes.

                  Do you suppose there will be tax concessions and gov't grants in order to to birth success?

                  Would the words, "environmentally grown" would be used to legitimize tax dollar committment?


                  Well, maybe.Pars


                    Let's not forget that there are first nation trade agreements with the U.S. that supercede the wheat board act.


                      You might want to view what 'is'.

                      Casinos are not privateley owned. Oil revenue remains communily shared.

                      I would be surprised if so-called privatization as we know it, will be constructed as private ownership with all the benefits and responsibilities that are supposed to come with it.

                      If you are a gas dealer, what margin would you be looking forward to?

                      What are a fertilizer dealer's margins from a freshly schooled new land owner?

                      Or will the re-structuring rely upon what is already in effect, with the new-few owners silent in the background, content with their margins?. With tax dollars the first yearly entry on the operating sheet?

                      This system just has to legitimize the spending; be 'politically acceptable', doesn't it? pars


                        Are you saying grain grown by first nations are outside the CWB? That one may even wake up the CWB forever suporters..


                          Absolutely the first nations can bypass the cwb just like tobacco and cigarettes.

                          Paul martin didn't throw his money at this without knowing what he was getting into. For sure, he is not going to wait a year and a half for his cut.


                            If all 130 graduate, the cost for this program will be $39,231 per student. Let's all approach government and see if they will give us 80% of the wage of a new hire which we could train ourselves. One Earth is paying "just under" 20% based on their contribution of "just under" $1M.


                              As the old saying goes:

                              "Its not what you know but who you know."


                                The farm will flop and the oil/mining side will take years to develop. Time will tell if I am right.


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