If you are right... it will not matter in any way to me.
If I am right... what is the down side for those you seek to convince there are no consequences for our actions?
I believe this is the base logic behind the 'global warming/climate change' movement. If there is no real downside to being more energy efficient; using renewable energy; and cleaning up air quality at the same time...
It is very hard to argue against green energy if all nations agree to participate and share in the cost to transition to better energy production/utilisation!
Cold of Hot... we will run short of fossil fuels at some point in the future. Saving them where possible now is just common sense.
If you are right... it will not matter in any way to me.
If I am right... what is the down side for those you seek to convince there are no consequences for our actions?
I believe this is the base logic behind the 'global warming/climate change' movement. If there is no real downside to being more energy efficient; using renewable energy; and cleaning up air quality at the same time...
It is very hard to argue against green energy if all nations agree to participate and share in the cost to transition to better energy production/utilisation!
Cold of Hot... we will run short of fossil fuels at some point in the future. Saving them where possible now is just common sense.