Mention God nowadays, and people go nuts. Creation? They go nuts. The immorality of mankind? They go nuts. I find that telling. Especially in todays "tolerant" world, where islam is tolerated, gayness is adored, and marriage is pathetic.
But if you have a christian point of view, you are weak, and dumb, and pathetic. And all those "christian" wars. Religion causing all the worlds problems. Man made climate change. Symptoms of an arrogant, self-god society.
I'll wager by looking at the world today, Tom would have a more accurate assessment of where we are going than the self god-people.
Opinions are a wonderful thing. Open minds are even better.
But if you have a christian point of view, you are weak, and dumb, and pathetic. And all those "christian" wars. Religion causing all the worlds problems. Man made climate change. Symptoms of an arrogant, self-god society.
I'll wager by looking at the world today, Tom would have a more accurate assessment of where we are going than the self god-people.
Opinions are a wonderful thing. Open minds are even better.