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Yea Our Harvest Day has come!

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    Yea Our Harvest Day has come!

    Well today is Saturday the weekend for those in cities and its clear as a bell. Froze last night to 1.8 so ground will firm up and grain will come down in moisture. Yesterday it was 24.9 at 6 when I went home. Will start Durum today at that percent moisture. But here is the last months schedule.
    Sat nice Sun Mon Tues wed Thur rain Friday nice with wind to dry up some, repeat repeat repeat.
    Lots of neighbors just don't know what to do Id say 75% don't think they will finish harvesting. I know that's high but after last year and the wet 2010 weather pattern that just isn't changing, most farmers are down in the dumps. Have a good harvest day and stay safe your family is more important than feeding someone.

    Your right, except it's my family I'm trying to feed. Have a good day everyone!


      The LAST day, then three of RAIN! That should be the last nail in 2010. The flocks of white combines are late?


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