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New Environmental Legislation in Alberta

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    New Environmental Legislation in Alberta


    I see the following report from Alberta Pulse Growers Tammy Jones:

    AB Environment Meeting to Discuss Proposed Legislative Changes

    "On Friday, myself and 3 other members of the Crop Sector Working Group met with Alberta Environment (ABENV) to gain a better understanding of the upcoming legislative changes that will impact agriculture. Right now, ABENV regulates individual operations (i.e. Husky Oil, golf courses, etc) to ensure they do not pollute at excess levels and the individual operations are told how to limit their pollution. The big change is that ALL operations in an area (i.e. Husky Oil, golf courses, farms, etc) will be told the total pollution for an area is “x” amount, now sit down together and figure out how everyone is going to work together to ensure that pollution does not reach over level “x” or how the pollutant level can be decreased. ABENV will not tell the groups “how” to reduce pollutants. ABENV also assured us that they do not have the same expectations for each operation to reduce their pollutant levels (i.e. ag will not have the same expectations as oil and gas) – rather, they will consider the capability of each operation. That being said, it is critical that we educate ABENV about Ag’s capacity to implement change. ABENV also wants to know how to engage the ag sector, so we have recommended they come up with some scenarios of what this might look like and we can provide them with input. This is something we are going to have to keep a close eye on as more details are figured out."

    To ignore this reality... that 'cross compliance' on ag environmental issues is being planned... by governments... is fool hardy!

    Welcome to the 'new world'... 2011 should be even more interesting!

    Wet Lands are good... wildlife are supreme... and food production is a real inconvenience that 6 billion People require!

    <(>:{) grin!
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