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Holy Cow

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    Holy Cow

    I put a big knife into something big and ugly and it
    disappeared like it was never there.

    OK...I'll bite...what the frick are you talking about?
    (I have to admit, after a couple bottles of wine I am fuzzy, but hey man....)


      They don.t think much of you over there do they!!!
      Oh well... Their loss
      How far can Ag rise before input and equip costs bleed us dry over the following 2-3 years.
      Hope to cover 2 years of generic glyphosate ($2.45 net/360g eqiv, del, no tote deposit) and rest of next years fert early in the coming week.


        Just to clarify the fuzzy head..:-)
        Wishbone Ash concert last night, they know how to rock and just got back from a Gord Bamford concert tonight....this quy seems genuine, family man, supports good causes and easy to dance to...hope he stays this way!
        (All this music keeps my mind off of harvesting green crops ......;-)


          Wearing 3-D glasses, and watching the Queen's visit could cause that!!!


            2.45 equivalent? Maybe thats how China is getting rid of their Nuke wste. That can hardly cover the cost freight and container.


              I sure hope your wife is skinny and hot!


                posted to the wrong thread....

                She's built for comfort and speed :-)



                  I saw Ray on the SK Regina Farm Report on the weekend!

                  Good to see him up and around!

                  Sounds like he is going to enjoy life and relax... let someone else do the farming next year!

                  Bless Him... it is great he was given a second chance to enjoy family and community!

                  Be safe and know where all those you work with are... listen to that still small voice that so many times prevents a tragedy!!!


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